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课题:Unit 8 Birthdays 年级: 五 执教人: 张静怡 备课组讨论时间: 5/26 地点: 东渚实验小学 参加人员: 英语组全体成员 教 案 Unit 8 Birthdays The first period: Story time Step1 warm up Greeting Free talk T: What festival do you like best/ What is your favourite festival? / When is it? / Why do you like it? / What do you usually do at the festival? … A game: Let’s guess! —What holiday is it? (1) listen: Children like this festival very much. It is on the first of June. What is it? S: Children’s Day. (2) watch the pictures S: Halloween. (3) listen the song “we wish you a merry Christmas” S: Christmas. (3) It is a great festival for me. I was born 33 years ago. What is it? S: It is your birthday. Teach: birthday T: Today we will discuss Unit 8 Birthdays Step2 Presentation Let’s guess! T: Look! My birthday is in April. Can you guess when it is? I will give you some choices and you can ask like this: “Is it on the … of …?” S: Is it on the … of …? 日期的表达 T: If you want to say a day, you can say like this….(Tips: 当我们用英语表述某月的某一天时,日子在前,月份在后。基本结构是:the +序数词+ of + 月份。) T: So boys and girls, when we want to know one’s birthday, we can ask… S: When is your birthday? T: The answer is… S: It on the… of …. Play a game 提问接龙 Rules: 由每一小组第一位同学开始问后面一位同学: “When ’s your birthday?”,后面一位同学回答完,接着转身问下一位: “When ’s your birthday?” ,以此类推,直到最后一位同学回答完,举手示意。哪一组先完成,哪一组获胜! When you see the word “birthday”, what will you connect in the mind? S1: Eat noodles. S2: Have birthday cakes. S3: Have a big dinner. S4: Receive presents. S5: Have a party. S: … T: I think you always have a good time on your birthday. Story time T: Look, Miss Li, Su Hai and Mike are talking about birthdays too. Can you ask some questions with these three words: whose, when, what? S: Whose birthdays are they talking about? S: When are their birthdays? S: What do they do on their birthdays? Watch and answer Whose birthdays are they talking about? They are talking about ______________________ birt


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