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一、轧辊介绍(Introduction roll) 轧辊与轧辊轴承是轧机的重要部件。在轧制过程中,轧辊要与所轧金属直接接触,使金属产生属性变形。轧辊是轧机的主要变形工具。轧辊是由各类轴承支承的。 Rolls and roller bearings are important components in a rolling mill. In the rolling process, roll to metal direct contact with the rolling. Rolls cause the rolled metal to deform plastically. Various types of roller bearings supporting the rolls. 轧辊的分类:按轧机类型可分为板轧机轧辊和型钢轧机轧辊两大类。Roll Category: By rolling mill can be divided into panels and the steel mill roll mill roll two categories 型钢轧机轧辊是指轧辊辊身上有轧槽,根据型钢轧制工艺要求,安排孔型及尺寸。steel mill roll body roll is a rolling groove, according to steel rolling process of arranging and size of pass 1.1轧辊的组成( 1.1 Composition Roll 轧辊的组成由辊身、辊颈和轴头三部分组成。辊颈安装在轴承中,并通过轴承座和压下装置把轧制力传给几家。轴头和连接轴相连,传递轧制扭矩。composed of the roll body roll, roll neck and the axis of the first of three parts. Roll neck bearings mounted in bearing and pressure through the device to pass a few rolling force. Connected to the shaft head and shaft connection, passing the rolling torque. 轴头有三种主要形式:梅花轴头、万向轴头、带键槽的或圆柱形轴头。目前常用易加工的带平台的轴头。shaft there are three main forms: Plum shaft, cardan shaft with keyway or cylindrical shaft. Easy processing of the commonly used axis head with the platform. 1.2轧辊的尺寸参数Roll dimensions 轧辊的基本尺寸参数包括轧辊名义直径、辊身长度、辊颈直径和辊颈长度。basic dimensions of the roll the name of parameters including roll diameter, barrel length, diameter and roll neck roll neck length. 1.2.1 轧辊名义直径和辊身长度Nominal diameter and roll barrel length A、轧辊名义直径Nominal diameter of roll 轧辊名义直径,既是轧机的主要参数,也是轧辊尺寸的主要参数。当轧辊直径确定以后,轧辊的其他参数受强度、刚度或结构上的限制也随之确定。型钢轧机的轧辊辊身是有孔型的。通常,型钢轧机以齿轮座的中心距作为轧辊名义直径,有孔型的轧辊其名义直径均大于其工作直径。为避免孔型槽切入过深,轧辊名义直径与工作直径的比值一般不大于1.4。nominal roll diameter, the main parameters of both the rolling mill, roll size is the main parameter. When the roll diameter is determined, other parameters of the roll by the strength, stiffness, or structural limits are also identified. Roll steel mill is a hole in the body. Typically, the steel mill to the center distance as the gear housing nominal roll


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