英语口译 会议发言套话总结.doc

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会议发言 Ⅰ.常用套话 1. 我仅代表~, Let me begin by/please allow me to begin by…, on behalf of sb, 2. 对~表示欢迎,对~表示感谢,对~表示祝贺 …extend my welcome to sb, expressing my thanks to sb for sth and offering my congratulations to sb on sth. 3. 各位领导 Your Excellencies 4. 各位老师 Dear Faculty Members 5. 各位代表 Fellow Delegates/ Repersentatives / Deputies 6. 专家和学 Friends from the academia 7. 主席先生 Mr. President(有的时候也可以说Chairman) 8. 亲爱的~总统/主席 Your Excelelency Mr. President 9. 国内外的来宾 guests from home and abroad 10. 各位同事 Dear Colleagues 11. 各位员工 Fellow Staff Members 12. 盛情款待和精心周到的安排 gracious hospitality and thoughtful arrangements 13. 现在我宣布****会议现在开幕? May I hereby declare open *****meeting.? 14. 请允许我对****会议取得成功表示热烈的祝贺? First of all, please allow me to offer warm congratulations on the success of the ****meeting. 15. 让我们共同举杯……? Let’s raise our glasses to…… 16. 我提议……? I would like to propose a toast to …… 17. 请允许我……? Please allow me to …… 18. 我提议为我们之间的友谊干杯? Allow me to raise the glass to our friendship 19. 祝愿您健康 To your good health? 20. 愿您年年有今日,岁岁有今朝? Wish every morning you wake up like this day and happiness come along to you in the following years. 21. 让我们为本届会议的圆满成功结束而共同努力? Let’s work together for a successful conclusion of this meeting. 22. 我相信,在各位朋友的努力下,我们的研讨会一定能取得丰硕的成果? I believe that our symposium is bound for abundant accomplishment through your hard work. 23. 让我们在这年终岁末之际,祝贺这喜庆佳节? I’d like to toast with you to this happy occasion at the end of the year.? 24. 达成共识 reach common ground 25. 代表全体委员 on behalf of all the committee members 26. 防患于未然 take preventative measures 27. 随意聊聊 chat freely 28. 担起责任 shoulder the responsibility 29.高层次、全方位的对话 high-level and all-directional dialogue 30. 相比;比得上;敌得过 stack up (against with) 31. 唤起舆论的注意 call out the media hounds 32. 交换意见 exchange views 33. 揭开序幕;开始 get the show started 34. 聚集一堂 get t


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