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Kagome光纤超快非线性光学研究进展* 2016 -07 -12收到
† email :yangpei_long@ 126.com
1,2 , 2 2 2
杨佩龙 滕 浩 方少波 魏志义 DOI:10.7693/w
( 1 西安电子科技大学 物理与光电工程学院 西安 710071)
( 2 中国科学院物理研究所 北京凝聚态物理国家实验室 北京 100190)
Ultrafast nonlinear optics in Kagome fibers
1,2 ,† 2 2 2
YANG Pei-Long TENG Hao FANG Shao-Bo WEI Zhi-Yi
( 1 Institute of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering ,Xidian University ,Xi ’an 710071 ,China)
( 2 Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics ,Institute of Physics ,Chinese
Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 100190,China)
摘 要 Kagome 光纤( 简称KGF)是一种不依赖带隙导光的新型空芯微结构光纤,
其结构设计灵活、损伤阈值高、损耗低(高透区损耗可低至~40 dB/km) 、支持宽带传输
(500 nm) ,并可通过纤芯改变所充气体及调节气压实现光纤色散、非线性效应的有效调
制,在强场物理、超快激光技术等领域研究中优势突出。基于KGF 在超快光学中的重要意
义,该文对近年来国际上关于KGF 在非线性光学变频及超短脉冲压缩等领域的研究成果进
关键词 Kagome 光纤,微结构光纤,脉冲压缩,色散调制,非线性光学
Abstract Kagome fiber (KGF) is a new type of microstructure optical fiber, in which
light guidance is not completely dependent on the photonic bandgap. This fiber displays some
outstanding features such as flexible structure design, high damage threshold, low loss (as low
as ~40 dB/km at high transmission wavelengths), and wide transmitting bandwidth (500 nm). In
particular, by adjusting the gas pressure in the fibers hollow core, its nonlinearity and dispersion
properties can be modulated easily