第四课时Section B(2a—2e).ppt

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第四课时Section B(2a—2e)

* *  Unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section B(2a-2e) Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. reply(v. )          ? 2. without(prep. )          ? 3. 悲哀的; 难过的(adj. )          ? 4. 惊奇的; 感觉意外的(adj. )          ? 5. invite(v. )→     (n. )邀请; 请柬 6. prepare(v. )→     (n. )准备; 准备工作 答案: 1. 回答; 答复 2. 没有; 不(做某事) 3. sad 4. surprised 5. invitation 6. preparation Ⅱ. 短语互译 1. turn down          ? 2. take a trip          ? 3. have a surprise party          ? 4. 盼望; 期待 look         ? 5. 接到(某人的)来信 hear     ? 答案: 1. 拒绝 2. 去旅行 3. 举办一个惊喜派对 4. forward to 5. from Ⅲ. 句型填词 1. 她帮助我极大地提高了我的英语水平。 She helped me to    my English         . 2. 关于怎样去做我已经有了一个很棒的主意。 I already have a great idea about             that. 答案: 1. improve; so much 2. how to do  3. 我很愿意来参加聚会, 但是我没有空。 I’d love to           the party,      I’m not available. 4. 为了给斯蒂恩女士一个惊喜, 在不告知她的情况下, 把她带到聚会上来。 Bring Ms. Steen to the party           her            she can be surprised. 答案: 3. come to; but 4. without telling; so that 1. What kind of party is it? ? 2. Who is the party for? ? 3. When is the party? ? 答案: 1. It’s a surprise party.  2. It’s for Ms. Steen. 3. It’s on Friday the28th. 1. look forward to 盼望; 期待 【语境领悟】 *I look forward to hearing from you all. 我期待收到你们所有人的来信。 *I’m looking forward to the New Year’s party. 我在期盼着新年聚会。 【自主归纳】   look forward to意为“盼望; 期待”, 短语中的to是介词, 不是动词不定式符号, 其后接名词、代词或   (动词原形/动词-ing形式)。 答案: 动词-ing形式  【学以致用】 (2013·广安中考)—I’m looking forward to   my parents soon. What about you? —Me too. A. seeing    B. see    C. saw 2. make it 达到; 成功; 赶上 【语境领悟】 *Hope you can make it!希望你能来! *


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