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四川理工学院毕业论文(设计) 我国上市公司审计质量的影响因素----以英豪科技上市公司为例 学 生:X X X 学 号:X X X 专 业:X X X 班 级:X X X 指导教师:X X X 四川理工学院经济与管理学院 二O一三年四月 摘 要 在1980年代早期,为了适应对外开放政策和发展的需要,中外合资企业,中国政府恢复注册会计师制度。随着市场经济体制逐步建立,国有企业改革和证券市场的蓬勃发展,越来越多的人需要注册会计师审计验证服务。注册会计师审计在实施国家宏观政策,维护资本市场有序运行和保护投资者的利益和社会公共领域发挥重要作用。但是,在经济转型时期的资本市场,公司股权结构不合理,内部人控制和每个法律法规仍不完善,上市公司会计舞弊事件,成为注册会计师的会计欺诈上市公司作为一个共犯。独立的注册会计师和审计质量的理论和实践和绝大多数投资者的关注、批评和怀疑。随着国际化的会计市场,全面对外开放,证券市场审计服务将成为外国会计师事务所与国内会计师事务所竞争的重心。面对会计国际市场竞争中,如何保持审计独立性,如何提高审计质量,以促进持续和健康发展,注册会计师的原因已经成为迫切需要解决的问题。对于审计质量的研究,然而,特别是研究上市公司的审计质量相对比较少,所以衡量审计质量和审计质量改进机制的研究是很有价值的。本论文在我国特有的经济制度和社会制度背景下,审计质量的概念及其影响因素,并以英豪科技上市公司为例,对其审计现状进行分析,总结出了审计质量的影响因素,最后对其影响因素提出对策。 关键词:上市公司;审计质量;公司治理结构 ABSTRACT In the early 1980 s, in order to meet the needs of the development of opening-up policy and sino-foreign joint ventures, the Chinese government to restore system of certified public accountants. With the market economy system gradually established, the vigorous development of the reform of state-owned enterprises and the securities market, more and more people need to certified public accountants audit verification service. Certified public accountants audit on the implementation of the national macro policy, maintaining the orderly operation of capital market and protect the interests of investors and social public areas play an important role. However, in the economic transition period of the capital market, the company ownership structure is unreasonable, insider control, and each laws and regulations are still imperfect, accounting fraud of listed companies, become a certified public accountant accounting fraud of listed company as an accomplice. Independent certified public accountant and the audit quality and the vast majority of investors attention in theory and practice, criticism and doubt. Along with the internationalization of accounting market, all-round opening to the outside world, the securities market audit service will become the forei


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