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英语专业四级词汇词组 Battle away 战斗队形、列阵 Windows array 橱窗陈列品 Be under arrest 被捕、被拘留 Arrest sb’s eye 引人注目、引起某人的注意 Arrive at a conclusion 得出结论 Arrive at a decision 作出结论 Main artery 主要干线 Economic arteries 经济命脉 As far as 据……,就…… As for 至于、关于 As good as 几乎已经、实际已经 As if/though 好像、仿佛、就像……似的 As long as 只要、长达……之久 As soon as 一……就 As it is 实际上 As it were 可以说、在某种程度上 Be ashamed of 认为……为耻辱,为……感到羞愧 Be ashamed to do sth 以做某事为耻辱、因感惭愧而勉强做某事 Aside from (1)除……之外(别无)(2)除……之外(尚有) Ask after 问候、问好 Ask for 请求、要求 Make a surprise assuault on 对……实行突然袭击 Assert oneself (1)坚持自己的权利(或意见)(2)表现自己的权威(或威力) Assign sb to(do)sth 选派某人做某工作或任某职务 Assigned sth to sb 把某工作分配给某人去做,把某物分配给某人使用 Assist sb to do sth=assist sb in/with doing sth 帮某人做某事 Associate……with…… 把……与……联系起来 Do sth in association with sb 和某人一起做某事 Assuming that…… 假定…… Assume responsibility 承担责任 Assume office 就职 On the assumption of/that 在假定……的情况下 Assure sb of sth 使某人确信某事 At all costs 不惜一切代价 At any rate 不管怎样 At ease 稍息 At first 最初、开始时 At first sight 乍一看、一见面 At hand 在身边 At home (1)在家(2)随便、无拘束(3)对……很熟悉 At last 最后、终于 At least 至少 At once 马上、立即 At present 目前、现在 At school 在上学 At sea 茫然、不知所措 At the same time 同时 At times 有时、间或 At war 处于交战状态 At work 干活 The Atlantic(Ocean) 大西洋 Be attached to 连在……上,附属于,喜爱、依恋 A heart attack 心脏病发作 Attemp the impossible 尝试不可能的事情 Attend to 专注于……,照顾 Pay attention to 注意…… Attract one’s attention/interest 引起某人的注意/兴趣 Tourist attraction 游览胜地 Attribute to 把……归于 An authoritative statement 有权威的声明 Have/established authority over 具有/确立对……的管辖权 Have the authority to do sth 有权做某事 Computer designe automation 计算机设计自动化 Data automation 数据自动化 Office automation 办公自动化 Avenge oneself on 对……进行报仇 On(the/an)average 按平均值、通常 Avoid(doing)sth 避免、防止(做)某事 Awaken to 使认识到 Be(well/fully)aware of that (完全)意识到 Do away with 消灭、取消 Get away with 摆脱、逃避 Give sb away 背弃 Pass away 去世 Right/straight away 立即、马上 Bachelor of Art’s (B.A.)文学学士 Bachelor of Science (B.S.) 理学学士 Bachelor’s degree 学士学位 Back and forth 来回的 At one’s back 支持某人 Behind one’s back 背着某人(说坏话等) Turn one’s back on 不理


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