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人物元素 作为组网图的小图标用,以说明技术或业务的相关功能 (禁止大幅面使用!如封面、封底、扉页等) 第*页 人物元素 作为组网图的小图标用,以说明技术或业务的相关功能 (禁止大幅面使用!如封面、封底、扉页等) 不使用大箭头 改为多变化的线形 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Backup Stufe 1 Stufe 2 Stufe 3 为强调重点使用无边框的不同深浅的彩图 …不使用椭圆形 改为,两头圆角的的自动图形 不用带线形的标签 改为, 深色13号字体的无边框区域 不把数字放在圆中 改为, 深色区域的13号粗体白色字体 如果使用方框形,不用阴影和边界 BACKUP 新内容设计–关于 ,线形,和文字的的主要变化 There are obvious disadvantages to positioning text behind graphics 不使用放置在图形後面的文本 改为放置到图形旁边的文本 不使用演讲气泡 改为,箭头引导的文本解释 不使用大的多彩 卡通/修剪艺术 改为, 将修剪艺术转换成线形的单色画版本 不使用缩图图解 改为,使用13号白色粗体字体的深色框 4 1 2 3 4 Arrow function can be switched on and off/ positioned to the side Text is easy to read if not positioned behind graphics 新内容设计–关于 ,线形,和文字的的主要变化 * * * * * * * * * * * * The obvious question now is, how successful have we been so far in conveying our brand aspirations. For the most part, very successful. How do we know. We’ve asked our customers. In the fall of 2002, Ogilvy Mather interviewed Cisco customers—TDMs, BDMs, Enterprise, Service Provider, Channel Partners, Media, Employee—from our 8 most important countries (US. Canada, Japan, China, UK, France, Germany, and Italy) to better understand their perception of Cisco. They found that Cisco had an unequaled position as a stable market leader, that we have a close—almost synonymous association with the network and the Internet, and that our products are known for their reliability and high quality. Most of the interviewees saw Cisco as a pragmatic yet visionary company that is not necessarily leading edge but focuses on delivering the right technology at the right time. They viewed Cisco as honest, confident, knowledgeable, and market driven. On the negative side, participants in the study were not consistent in their impression of Cisco’s customer service and support—most commented favorably, but too many did not, and this should be a concern. Cisco is also frequently seen as arrogant and inflexible and the high cost of the products is not always seen as worth the money. 电话 可视电话 IP电话 手机 PDA 液晶显示器 台式显示器 电视 数码相机 台式机 笔记本


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