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* When part flow is unclear you: * Don’t know where or when a part/product was made. * You are not sure which machine made the product. * The processing sequence is not highly visible * One piece flows are not possible. Defects that occur will be very difficult to track down due to the time until discovery and the loss of any pertinent information. Obviously rectified flow lines exhibit what is required for one piece flow. But do not assume that they are always that way. Much work is required to make sure that one piece flow is maintained. Rectified flow removes much of the variations from our process by reducing setups, adjustments, scheduling delays and material handling. The tooling and machines used for the rectified flow may include those from the confused flow layout with the addition of new processes derived from a 3P activity. Through the establishment of multiple rectified flow lines, it will be much easier to understand and deal with takt times for the various products and the equipment capacities. * Continue to separate human tasks from machine tasks and assign more to the machine. To accomplish that, however, will require Kodak to human characteristics to the machines that we design and build. Analyze the work process in great detail in order to accomplish the above. But be sure that the steps of Jidoka are followed step by step. Too often we wish to jump to step #10 and spend a great deal of money getting there. Almost always we are less than satisfied with what we receive. By spiraling upwards like a barber pole via Jidoka, we lean as we go and will eventually achieve chaku-chaku line status. * * Fold on the dotted line to hide the Machine area * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Getting Kodak’s products to market faster than our competitors will gain us a strategic advantage in the “Race for Office Furniture Space.” We must continuously find ways to shorten our production lead times. Lead time = Processing + Delays + Inspection


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