unit+1+STUDENT 体验商务英语第四册.ppt

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Unit 1 Communication Outline Discussion (reading B) Reading text Listening and writing (telephoning) Case study Business Brief Two types: communication of information Technical knowledge needed to do the job at hand. Paper-based communication Company intranet 内联网 (internal websites only accessible by employees) Business Brief Terms: Knowledge officers 知识官 Information hoarders信息囤积者 Company magazine公司内刊(in-house, out-of-house) Reading D 1.They had language and geographical difficulties, huge amounts of paperwork and great difficulty tracking and monitoring jobs. 2.They installed an automated system so that data was only entered once but could be accessed by everyone in the company. Reading D 3. Theobald recommends checking e-mail only three times a day and allocating a set time to deal with it. 4.People use the ‘reply all’ button so an e-mail goes to people who don’t need it as well as those who do. Reading D 5. Both departments felt their job security was threatened so they didn’t communicate with their ‘rivals’. 6. It is a waste of time unless you also sort out the group dynamics of a company. Telephoning Listen to the telephone conversation between secretary and caller. Write the message the secretary addressed to her boss. Roma Kitchens To:__________ ________called. Company________ Day:Tues. Time:10:45 S/he: will call back wants you to phone back on:______ left this message:_______________ standard ___ urgent___ Roma Kitchens To: Paula Vecchi Ron Hornby called. Company:Funiture World Day:Tues. Time:10:45 He: wants you to phone back on:020 8543 3553 left this message: when can you meet him at the trade fair next week? Standard Urgent√-He’s in all afternoon till 17:30 Case study: HCPS Company: Activity: Based in: Changes in structure since the takeover: Gloria Richter’s e-mail to Gunther Schmidt: Key points of Ursula Krieger’s e-mail to Chris Wright: Case study: HCPS Company: HCPS Activity:


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