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本文通过模拟试验揭示了轧辊接触疲劳过程垂直短裂纹的形成机制,具有明显的学术创新性,对于指导支承辊使用有一定价值,文章结构严谨、文理通顺,未泄露企业技术秘密。 全文篇幅太长,一些文献引述、第3节结果与讨论、参考文献可适当删减。 Vertical Short-Crack Behavior and Its Application in Rolling Contact Fatigue Changan Wang HSMP, Baoshan Iron and Steel Company, Shanghai 200941, China ABSTRACT The vertical short-crack behavior presented in rolling contact fatigue of medium carbon bainitic steel back-up roll under the conditions of low contact pressure, water lubrication and pure rolling were studied. The initiation and propagation behavior of vertical short-crack were traced by microscopic observation due to its observability on the surface of the specimen. It is found that after the short-crack initiates and quickly propagates to a certain depth from the contact surface, the vertical short-crack will stop propagating for a large number of cycles (from 104 to 3~5(105 cycles); however, while the number of cycles is up to the initiation life of rolling contact fatigue (about 3~5(105 cycles), the vertical short-crack re-propagates at a high propagation rate and along the circumferential direction of the specimen and parallel to the contact surface. Based on the observed un-propagating and re-propagating behaviors of vertical short-crack, the initiation life and surface distress life of rolling contact fatigue of the back-up roller was measured, and then, the mechanism of rolling contact fatigue was discussed. KEYWORDS: rolling contact fatigue; vertical short-crack; initiation life; bainitic steel 1. Introduction Rolling contact fatigue (RCF) is a main failure mode of roller and wheel-rail, and it results in pitting and spalling on contact surface. During the hot rolling, the pitting and spalling formed on the surface of roller can degrade the quality of manufactured steel sheet greatly, and they must be prevented in practice. In hot-rolling factory, the fatigue failure on the surface of roller is prevented by grinding the surface away after certain working time and with certain thickness,


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