rhetorical devices 高级英语中修辞讲解.ppt

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rhetorical devices 高级英语中修辞讲解

Rhetorical Devices;simile;;metaphor;onomatopoeia 拟声;;parallelism ;Metonymy(借代,转喻);1. the container for the thing contained用容器来指被盛的东西 The kettle boils. (kettle=the water in the kettle) He tasted the dish. (dish=food in the dish) 2..the sign or symbol for the thing or person symbolized(用标记或者象征代表所标志的人或者物) This man is a very able lawyer, but the bench has not yet admitted him to practice (the bench= the judge这个人是一个非常有才干的律师,可是法官不让他实习) He rose and addressed the chair;3. The instrument for the agent(借一物以喻用物之人;或者用工具指其行为主体) Give every man your ear, but few your voice. (Pay heed to what every man says, but say little yourself) He chose a gun instead of a cap and gown. (a gun= soldier, a cap and gown =a student) 4.a person’s name for the things he has invented or the works he has written(用某人之名代替此人的作品或者发明物) We drove a Ford to Hyde Park. At the beginning of next year, he will read Shakespeare;5.Name of a place for the product there(用地名代替该地的出产或者事物) The people in that country are fond of China 6.The cause for the consequence or the consequence for the cause, expressing cause-consequence relation(以原因代结果或者以结果代原因, 表示因果关系) Many people love rosy cheeks. Grey hairs should be respected. 7.Others (其它) The little girl used to say to her pet cat, “Come here, my love!” This gallery loudly applauded( gallery=spectators) ; Synecdoche: (提喻) It is involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or the whole for the part. For instance, they say there‘s bread and work for all. She was dressed in silks. (不直接说出事物的名称,而是用另外一种与其密切的有关的事物名称来代替);: a part for whole: He stayed under the roof for ten years.(in the house) I don’t ride a wheel,but I am a good oar.(wheel=car; oar=boat我不会开车,但是我是一个熟练的船夫) ;;;;E: a concrete for abstract All the father rises in my heart. (the feeling of a father) There is a mixture of tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman . (the tiger and the ape=the character of a Frenchman) 法国人的性格又残暴又狡猾。;;G: material for the things made


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