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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 基于极有家的顾家家居网络营销策略研究 系 别 工商管理系 专 业 市场营销 学生姓名 任森 学 号 120510223 年级 2012级 指导教师 黄奕 教务部制表 二Ο一六 年 3 月 12 日 基于“极有家”的顾家家居网络营销策略研究 专业:市场营销 学生:任森 指导老师:黄奕 摘 要 随着互联网时代的飞速发展,电子商务已经渗透到人们生活中的每一个角落,网络购物已经成为中国消费者再熟悉不过的购物方式,所以家装行业的O2O模式也是必然趋势。本文主要对家装行业O2O模式的可行性进行探究,并对家具行业传统模式的困境和家具行业电商模式瓶颈进行分析,以求为家具厂商实施O2O战略提供一些可行性的策略建议。 本文基于市场消费者需求,分析了家装行业的O2O模式,并为家具行业O2O模式下的运营提供一些建议。第一部分,说明了家具行业电商模式及研究背景,分析现状,提出问题;第二部分,对家装行业O2O模式建设进行了市场分析,包括家装行业电子商务现状、差异,以及“极有家”平台的市场分析;第三部分,介绍了“极有家”O2O平台理念,和基于平台的家具行业的商业模式、盈利模式等;第四部分,阐述了基于“极有家”O2O平台,家具行业具体的营销实施方案,对操作流程进行了详细的规划。 关键词:网络营销 O2O模式 家装行业 Proposal of Jin Tong Shoes NSP Design Project Major: Marketing Student: Wei Ninglu Supervisor: Yang Zemin Abstract The fast development of computers strongly expedites the rising up of online shopping. Meanwhile it strongly drives the development of the Electronic Commerce. Therefore the establishment of the Network Sales Platform which based on it becomes very significant. This article is mainly focused on the establishment of Network Sales Platform of kids shoes market to analyze and expound, purposely to bring out a future development mode that can be referred to and taken as good examples. Based on the current established situation of the NSP (Network Sales Platform), this article initially analyzes the overall situation of the kids’ shoes market and the internal management situation of “Jin Tong” Shoes. As for the second part, it elaborates the basic theories of the NSP establishment, including the achievement of the objects and the improvement of the functions, as well as the final confirmation of the target customers and the development marketing strategy of the footwear market. The third part, the main point of this article, carries out further elaborations of the overall design of NSP business mode. And it analyzes the overall sales si


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