2014九年级英语Unit1How can we become good learners 全单元概要1.ppt

2014九年级英语Unit1How can we become good learners 全单元概要1.ppt

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2014九年级英语Unit1How can we become good learners 全单元概要1

1. Review the new words and expressions you’ve learned today. 2. Read the articles in Learning English. 3. Think of any problems you have dealt with successfully. 4.Write down what is the problem and how you dealt with it. 5. Preview the new words and expressions. 6. Preview 3a-3b on 8. * 教师可根据自身教学风格和学生特点任选其中一个导入 * 教师可根据自身教学风格和学生特点任选其中一个导入 * 教师可根据自身教学风格和学生特点任选其中一个导入 * 教师可根据自身教学风格和学生特点任选一个导入 Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes. 1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class Let’s see which group does the best. 1e What good learning habits can you think of ? Make a list and discuss them with your partner. 根据要求完成句子,每空一词。 My brother usually studies English by working with friends. (对画线部分提问) _____ ____ your brother usually study English? 2. This boy so young that he can’t do this job. (改为同义句) This boy is ____ ______ ____ do this job. How does too young to 汉译英 我不知道如何提高阅读速度。 2. 我经常犯语法错误。 3. 他会遗忘很多新单词。 I don’t know how to increase my reading speed. I often make mistakes in grammar. He forgets a lot of new words. 1. Review the new words and expressions you’ve learned today. 2. Read the articles in Learning English. 3. Preview the new words and expressions. 4. Preview the article How Can You Become a Successful Learner? on page 6. Section B Period Two born be born with ability create brain active attention pay attention to v. 出生;adj. 天生的 天生具有 n. 能力;才能 v. 创造;创建 n. 大脑 adj. 活跃的;积极的 n. 注意;关注 注意;关注 Words Review connect connect...with overnight review knowledge lifelong wisely v. (使)连接; 与有联系 把和连接或联系起来 adj. 一夜之间;在夜间 v. n. 回顾;复习 n. 知识;学问 adj. 终身的;毕生的 adv. 明智地;聪明地 Words Review Lead-in To learn to use dictionaries To talk about how to be a successful learner. What does the passage talk about? 2.What’s the secret to be a successful learner? 3.What are successful learners’ habits? 4.Is learning a lifelong journey? 1.It talks about how



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