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1、rush v.冲;奔;急速流动n.抢购;匆忙;冲进adj.繁忙的;紧急的 I really hate to?rush?off like this. 我真的不喜欢这样匆匆离去。 They?rushed?up the stairs. 他们冲到楼上。 There was a?rush?for the concert tickets. 出现了争购音乐会入场券的热潮。 The tide comes in with a sudden?rush?here. 这里潮水来势汹涌。 Traffic jam is common in the?rush?hour . 交通高峰时经常出现交通拥塞。 常用短语: Don‘t rush into marriage; you might regret it later. 不要匆匆忙忙结婚,不然你以后也许要后悔的。 The children rushed out of school.孩子们飞快地跑出学校。 She was always in a rush. 她老是匆匆忙忙。 2. suggest vt 建议 I?suggested?going for a walk. 我建议去散步。 I?suggested?to him that we should tackle the problem another way. 我向他建议我们用另一种方式处理这个问题。 suggest后可接动名词,不能接不定式。 I suggest asking her advice. 我建议问一下她的想法。 他建议去散散步。 误?He suggested to go for a walk. 正?He suggested going for a walk. 正?He suggested that we (should) go for a walk. 我建议他不要加水喝。 误?I suggested him to drink it without adding any water. 正?I suggested that he (should) drink it without adding any water. 析?suggest后不能接动词不定式或“宾语+动词不定式”结构。在表示“建议某人做某事”时,可接动名词或接that从句来表示,从句中的谓语多用should加动词原形构成, should可省略。 3、pass常用短语 pass away 亡故;消失 She passed away peacefully in her sleep她是在睡梦中安详地过世的 pass by sb/sth 通过;经过 I saw the procession pass by我看见队伍走过 pass sth down 流传;使世代相传 Some of the furniture has been passed down through the family有些家具是一代一代传下来 pass through sth 经受;经历;遭受 She passed through difficult period after her divorce她离婚之后一度倍受煎熬 pass sth out 分发;分配 The teacher asked me to pass the books out老师让我把书发给大家 pass sth on (用后)传递,传给 Ill pass this book on to you when Ive finished with it我看完这本书就给你 4、east adj.东方的 adv.向东方 n.东方;东部 Take the?east?road, it‘s the shortest way. 走东边这条路吧,这是最近的路。 China is in the?east?of the world. 中国位于世界的东方。 He traveled?east. 他向东旅行 太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。 误?The sun rises from the east and goes down from the west. 正?The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west. 析?“从东方升起”介词不能用from,只能用in。 这个故事发生在伦敦东区。 误?The story took place in East End of London. 正?The story took place in the East End of London. 析?east


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