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2014 南京市二模试卷讲评 高淳高级中学 王琪 单项选择 21-25 B D B A D 26-30 C A D B B 31-35 C A C D C 22. By 2025, when the number of consumers worldwide has reached 4.2 billion, people with high income will be, for the first time, more than __________ struggling to meet basic needs. A. one B. that C. ones D. those D Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _______I will always treasure. A. that B. one C. it D. what 2. Never should we forget the war and the sufferings ________ caused to the people. A. it B. which C. that D. what 巩固练习 B A 26. —— I’d like Johnson to take the job. ——He is ________. Better not add to his workload. A. out of place B. out of order C. out of shape D. out of question C out of place out of order out of shape out of question out of the question 位置不对;不适当 出故障 变形;身体不好 没问题(no problem) 不可能(impossible) 1. Her remarks were ______________. 2. The phone is _________________. 3. ——Could I have a look at your mobile phone? ——_______________! 4. They were too weak and returning to work was __________________. out of place out of order Out of question out of the question 巩固练习 27. ——— My computer ________ start, no matter how hard I try. ——— It might have crashed. A. won’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t A will/would will 表示意愿; 现在的习惯; 表示某种性质或倾向,“总是,老是” would 表示请求或建议;过去的习惯性动作 Every day, the worried mother ________ come to the gate, _____ into the distance, hoping that miracles would occur. A. would; gazing B. should; gazing C. might; gazed D. will; gazed A 巩固练习 31. I was so ashamed to admit my weakness, but now I have no such feeling and I _________myself much discomfort. A. br


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