2014外研版九年级下Module10Unit 3概要1.ppt

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2014外研版九年级下Module10Unit 3概要1

3. Working on projects in poorer countries is all about _____ people. a) helping b) entertaining c) managing d) paying 4. To help poorer people, you have to be prepared _____. a) to live in another country b) to be paid very well c) to be paid very little d) to work for free * Unit 3 Language in use Language Practice It’s very enjoyable. That’s a nice handbag. Head teacher, teachers, grandparents, parents and classmates… I’ve learnt the importance of friendship. Thank you for your help with our homework. We can never pay you back for your kindness, your patience, and gift of knowledge. Grammar Compounding(合成构词法) Derivation (派生构词法). 英语的构词法主要有两种,一种是合成,另一种是派生。合成指由两个或多个单词合成一个新词,而派生是通过加前缀或后缀构成新词。 1. 合成构词法 合成构词法是一种比较灵活的方法,可以合成名词、形容词、副词、代词、动词等。 afternoon, birthday, blackboard, classmate, grandfather就是通过合成法构成的名词; kind-hearted, middle-aged, hard-working等为合成形容词; however, maybe, himself, everyone, nothing等也都是通过合成法构成的新词。 2. 派生构词法 派生构词法是扩充词汇的主要方法。对于派生词来说,一要掌握常见的前缀和后缀,二要掌握常见的派生方法。 misunderstanding 误解 mistake 错误 错误的 mis- impossible 不可能的impatient 不耐心的 不 im- inexpensive 不贵的 irregular 不规则的 不, 非 il-, in- enable 使能够 enrich 使富裕 使可能 en- 例 词 意思 前缀 1) 常用前缀 television 电视 telephone 电话 远程 tele- rewrite 重写 retell复述 reunion 重聚 再, 重复 re- unable 无能的 unpopular 不流行的 unhappy 不高兴的 不 un- non-smoker 不吸烟者 non-swimmer 不会游泳者 不, 非 non- 例词 意思 前缀 teacher, worker, conductor, inventor, visitor -er, -or 名 词 government, judgment -ment scientist, artist -ist musician -ian 例词 后缀 词类 2) 常用后缀 名 词 safety -ty truth, warmth -th building, painting, shopping, sightseeing, meaning, greeting -ing preparation, competition, education, information, invitation -tion illness, happiness, coldness -ness 例词 后缀 词类 3) 派生方法 由一个词根可以派生出很多名词、形容词、副词等, 掌握一定的派生方法对扩充词汇有很大作用。如:由名词interest 可以派生出: interest – interesting – interested – interestedly – uninteresting – uninterested 由help可以派生出: help – helpful – helpless – helpfully – helplessly 由able可以派生出: able –


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