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疑难病杂志 Chin J Diffic and Compl Cas 2005年12月第4卷第6期  医学论文中有关实验动物描述的要求: 在医学论文的描述中,凡涉及到实验动物者,在描述中应符合以下要求: (1) 品种、品系描述清楚; (2) 强调来源; (3) 遗传背景; (4) 微生物学质量; (5) 明确体重; (6) 明确等级; (7) 明确饲养环境和实验环境; (8) 明确性别; (9) 有无质量合格证; (10) 有对饲养的描述(如饲料类型、营养水平、照明方式、温度要求、湿度要求) ; (11) 所有动物数量准确; (12) 详细描述动物的健康状况;(13) 对动物实验的处理方式有单独清楚的交代; (14) 全部有对照,部分可采用双因素方差分析。 METHODS Rat model of myocardial infarction. Male Wistar rats weighing 230–270 g were randomly divided into control and myocardial infarction groups. Myocardial infarction was established as described22. The rats were anesthetized with diethyl ether and placed in the supine position with the upper limbs taped to the table. A 1–1.5-cm incision was made along the left side of the sternum.The muscle layers of the chest wall were bluntly dissected to avoid bleeding. The thorax was cut open at the point of the most pronounced cardiac pulsation and the right side of the chest was pressed to push the heart out of the thoracic cavity. The left anterior descending coronary artery was occluded and then the chest was closed. All surgical procedures were performed under sterile conditions. Twelve hours after occlusion, the heart was removed for Langendorff perfusion or the tissues within the ischemic zone, border zone and non-ischemic zone distal to the ischemic zone were dissected for measurement of miR-1, GJA1 and KCNJ2 levels. Control animals underwent open chest procedures without coronary artery occlusion. The use of animals was in accordance with the regulations of the ethics committee of Harbin Medical University. 实验动物的利用遵照了哈尔滨医科大学伦理委员会的规定。 注意动物实验的局限性: 动物实验结论的正确性是相对的。动物模型只可能在一个局部或一个方面与人类疾病相似。很难完全一样。 对于不同之处,应分析差异的程度和性质,找出异同点,以正确评估动物实验的效果。我们应该避免对动物实验结果的盲目信任和绝对推崇。 局限性举例: ★ 其实早在上个世纪80年代就有人进行过实验,发现19种人体摄入后可以致癌的化合物,只有7种化合物可以在老鼠引起癌症。 ★ 使用214种化合物在大鼠和小鼠之间进行致癌性的双重试验,其反应性一致的只有70%,这是啮齿类动物之间,和人类之间可能会更低。 ★ 我们知道,人体不能合成维生素C,而在小鼠和大鼠体内每日合成维生素C的量为人类每日推荐摄入量的近100倍。这些不一致性是应该引起我们高度注意的。 ★


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