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翻译总复习 新东方 沈萍萍 成语 00 一事无成 nothing can be done/achieved 01 尽如人意 be satisfactory 03 坐失良机 miss the good/golden chance/opportunity 引人入胜 attractive 爱不释手 can’t bear / stand parting with /putting (it) down 04春 孤身一人,无亲无故 live alone with no relatives or friends 04 三言两语 in a few words 所作所为what you have done 固执己见 stick to one’s opinions 成语 05春 齐心协力 work co-operatively / with combined efforts/ joint efforts 05 刮目相看 look at him with new eyes/ differently 06春 有求必应 be always ready to help 06 心烦意乱 upset sb. 07 挨家挨户 door- to – door 08春 大为惊叹 (be) greatly amazed/ impressed 08 一无所知( be) ignorant 成语 09 春丰富多彩colorful 10 春 不辞而别 without saying goodbye 12 春入乡随俗 follow the local customs 至关重要 be important to 12 翘首以盼 look forward to 13 耳熟能详 be familiar to people 14 遭遇不测 something terrible might happen. 词组 98 为某事非常感谢某人be most grateful to sb. for sth. 跟上发展 keep up with the development 为某人提供某物 provide sb with sth. 留出一点钱 set aside some money 99深受某人喜爱 be very popular with sb. 充分利用 make full use of 通知某人某事 inform sb. of sth. 用A代替B(substitute) substitute A ..for B 词组 00春 对…很感兴趣 be interested in 业余时间 spare time 专心做某事concentrate on 顺利通过考试 succeed in passing the exam 遵守交通规则 observe / obey the traffic rules 执行计划 carry out the plan 做出巨大贡献 Make great achievements 00 去…旅游 make a trip to 从事这项工作 take up this job 养成坏习惯form/get into a bad habit 改掉习惯 get rid of/ get out of this habit 词组 01春有…习惯have the habit of 失去机会做某事 miss the chance of doing 总计 add up to 01 作进一步讨论 make a further discussion 做出最终结论 make a final conclusion 在…底部 at the bottom of 吸取教训 learn a lesson 02 帮我取包裹 fetch me the parcel 03春 解出数学题 work out this maths problems 03 做出决定 make up one’s mind 避免做某事 avoid doing A与B 连接了起来 connect A with B 词组 04盼望 look forward to doing 不那么容易感冒 be not likely to catch a cold 缺少时间 lack practice 提供援助之手 offer her a helping hand 05 和某人有约 make an appointment with sb. 06春 保持健康keep fit 向某人请教 ask sb. for help 06 取决于 depend on 注意保护环境 pay attention t


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