American geography概要1.ppt

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American geography概要1

Appalachian Mountains VS Rocky Mountains Appalachian Mountains Rocky Mountains Direction From the northeast to southwest From the northwest to southeast Age Older Younger Height Lower (2037 m) Higher (4500 m) * 2.Topography: Rivers in the USA * Rivers in U.S.A. Mississippi River Father of all Waters * 2. The Missouri --over 6,000 kilometres and is one of the longest rivers in the world --runs 3,725 kilometres before it joins the Mississippi 3. The Ohio --about 1,500 kilometres long -- called the American Ruhr (after the Ruhr River鲁尔河in Germany), famous for its rich valuable deposits --The area is well known for its steel industry 4. On the Pacific side there are 2 great rivers: the Colorado in the south, and the Columbia rises in Canada. 5. The Hudson * The rivers in the country are mainly lying between the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. 1. The Mississippi --3,782 kilometres long --The Mississippi and its tributaries drain one of the richest farm areas in the world --They form a 19,000-kilometre system of waterways and serve as important means of transportation. --called “father of waters” and the “old man river” * “father of waters” The most important and longest river in the U.S. The Missouri and the Ohio are two of its largest tributaries. * The Great Lakes Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布 * The five Great Lakes Lake Michigan Lake Superior Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario --the world’s largest Group of freshwater lakes --They are all located between Canada and the US except Lake Michigan * They are : Lake Superior苏必利尔湖: the largest fresh water lake in the world. Lake Michigan 密歇根湖: the only one entirely in the US Lake Huron 休伦湖 Lake Erie 伊利湖 Lake Ontario 安大略湖 * 2.Topography: Three Geographic Divisions Geographic Divisions Great Plains Eastern part Western part * The Eastern Part The eastern part—the highlands formed by the Appalachian Range (阿巴拉挈亚山脉). one sixth of the territory relatively low, with an average altitude of 800 meters abo



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