another, each neither 等词的用法概要1.ppt

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another, each neither 等词的用法概要1

Another, other, the other, others, the others 区别与解题技巧 1.横线后有名、代词 ☆.another(另一个)(后接单数) ☆.other(其他的) (后接复数,不指定) ☆.the other(其他的) (后接复数,指定) 2.横线后为没名、代词 ◎.Others:(其他的)(后不接名词,不指定) ◎.The others :(其他的)(后不接名词,指定) 3. One…the other 结构:一个…另一个… another 1.The shirt is too long. Can you show me _______(one/shirt)? 2.There are many kinds of trees in the garden, such as apple trees, pear trees and some ______unknown trees. 3. We have 10 boys in our class. Two of them like Chinese. _________boys like sports. 例句 4.Lei Feng is ready to help _______. 5. He has five books in the bag. Two are on computers. ___________are on English. 6.The old man has two daughters. ______is a teacher. ________is a doctor. 练习 1. I have two pens. One is red, ___ is black. A. another B. other C. the other D. the others 2. You can borrow my bike, but you mustn’t lend it to _________. A. others B. other C. another D. the others 3. We study Chinese, English and some _______ subjects. A. others B. other C. another D. the others 4.This apple is delicious. Give me _____ one. A. Others B. other C. another D. the others 练习 5.There are fifty students in our class. Ten of them are from the USA, and _____ are from China. A. others B. other C. another D. the others 6. You must do your own work. Don’t mind ____ business. A. others’ B. the others’ C. the other’s D. other’s 7. I borrowed two books. _____ is in English, and _______ is in Chinese. A. It; another B. One; another C. The one; another D. One; the other Both, either, neither, all, each, none Both:两者都(后接动词复数) Either: 两者中任何一个(后接动词单数) Neither: 两者中没有一个(后接动词单数) 1.Both of my parents are doctors. 2. I am free on Monday and Friday. Either day is OK. 3. He has two sons. But neither of them lives with him. Both, either, neither, all, each, none all:三者+都(后接动词复数) each: 两者+任何一个(后接动词单数) none: 三者+中没一个(后接动词单复数) 1.Both of my parents are doctors. 2. Each of us has to buy a dictionary 3. None of the books is/are


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