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Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority 222,New Eskaton Road,Dhaka-1000 1989年第一號指示 INSTRUCTION NO-1 OF 1989 日期 1989 年 6 月 14 日 DATED JUNE 14 1989 主題:根據孟加拉加工出口管理局 1980 年法令第 3A條所付予的權力,孟加拉加工出口管理局,此後簡稱BEPZA,很高興在此發佈關於在DEPZ區內運轉公司有關工人及職員的指導方針. In exercise of the powers conferred under section 3A of Bangladesh export processing zones authority act,1980(act no xxxvi of 1980) the Bangladesh export processing zones authority, hereinafter referred to as BEPZA, is pleased to issue following directives on SERVICE MATTERS CONCERNING WORKERS OFFICERS EMPLIYED IN THE COMPANIES OPERATING WITHIN THE EXPORT PROCESSING ZONES OF BANGLADESH. 第一節PART-1 這些規定適用於 These instructions shall apply to: 公司的工人,職員,及學徒,除非該員工與公司有簽訂服務合約另規定 Workers, Officers and Apprentices of the companies, unless the terms and conditions of service have been determined under a contract specifically entered into by and between a company and said employee. 區內運轉的公司可能會有自己的規定,但該規定不能比BEPZA規定的福利差. Companies operating in the zones may have their own rules regulating the terms and conditions of employment and in that event no rules or terms and conditions of employment of an individual company shall be less favorable than those contained in these instructions. 第二節PART-2 定義Definitions: (A)”學徒”是指在特定期間內領固定薪水的學習者; “Apprentice” means a learner who is paid an allowance of fixed pay during the period of his training. (B)”臨時工”是指其受雇是臨時的; “Casual” worker is a person whose employment is of a casual nature; (C)”公司”應指及包含任何在孟加拉登記註冊且在EZP運轉的; “Company” shall mean and include any undertaking registered in Bangladesh and operating in the export processing zone or zones of Bangladesh. (D)”雇員”是指公司裡任何工人及職員 “Employee” means any worker or officer in the company; (E)”雇主”是指公司董事會,尤其指董事長/總經理/董事,或其他被公司所授權的職員; “employer” means the board of directors of the company which inter-alia means the chairman/managing director/director of the company or any other officer if so authorized by the company in this behalf; (F)”工廠”指一公司的工廠且應包含其座落在EZP內的任何工作坊,生產場所或場地,並雇


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