book 2unit3新模式英语PPT概要1.ppt

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book 2unit3新模式英语PPT概要1

B Practice the conversation with a partner. Make new conversations with milk, tomatoes, canned corn, chicken, pears, ice cream, butter, soup, sugar, and oranges. EXAMPLES: Augustin: Excuse me. Where is the flour? Store Clerk: It’s in Aisle 4. Augustin: Where are the cake mixes? Store Clerk: They are also in Aisle 4. LESSON C Read the store directory. LESSON Answer the questions with complete sentences. D It is in the baking needs section in Aisle 4. It is in the meats section in Aisle 8. They are in the dairy section in Aisle 5. Where are the cookies? ______________________________________ 2. Where is the brown sugar? _______________________________________ 3. Where is the ground beef? ________________________________________ 4. Where are the eggs? ________________________________________ They are in the bakery section in Aisle 2. LESSON Practice the conversation with a partner. Ask more questions with information from the directory. E EXAMPLE: Augustin: Can you help me? I’m looking for the canned corn. Store Clerk: It’s in the canned goods section. Augustin: Where is the canned goods section? Store Clerk: It’s in Aisle 3. Augustin: Thanks! LESSON Read the shopping list. Predict what section each item is in. Then, listen to the conversation and complete the chart. F Listening Script Shopping list Section Aisle beets muffins orange juice chicken breasts Canned Goods 3 Bakery 2 Frozen Foods 7 Meats 8 LESSON In a group, complete the cluster diagram with items from your local supermarket. Do not look at page 48. G apples Produce onions beef Meats pork Dairy milk yogurt Frozen Foods Canned Goods pizza orange juice soup peas LESSON Vocabulary aisle n. 走廊;过道,通道 bake vt. 焙,烤,烧 bakery n. 面包糕点铺(部) beet n. 甜菜 breast n. 胸;胸脯 broccoli n. 西兰花 butter n. 黄油 canned a. 罐装的 cantaloupe n. 甜瓜 checkout n. (购货时的)结账 dairy n. 奶制品 directory n. 指南,示意图 frozen a. 冰冻的,冷冻的 LESSON Glossary goods n. 商品,货物 muffin n. 松饼,小松糕 pancake delux


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