
基于GIS 与137 Cs 技术的土壤侵蚀微观研究 - 水土保持研究.PDFVIP

基于GIS 与137 Cs 技术的土壤侵蚀微观研究 - 水土保持研究.PDF

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基于GIS 与137 Cs 技术的土壤侵蚀微观研究 - 水土保持研究

14 2 Vo l. 14 No . 2 2007 4 Research of So il and Water Co nserv atio n A pr . , 2007* 137 G S Cs 吴永红, 张虎林, 寇 权, 孙耀胜, 刘海燕 ( , 745000) : , , 137 Cs G S , , , , : , , G S , , : ; 137 Cs; ; : S 157; T P79 : A : 1005-3409( 2007) 02- 0040- 03 Mi crocosmic Study on Slope Erosi on Based on Geographical Inf ormati on System and Cesium- 137 Technology WU Yong-hong, ZH A NG H u-lin, KOU Quan, SUN Y ao- sheng, L U H a-i yan (X if eng S oil and Water Conservatio n Exp er imental Station of Yello w R iv er Water Conservancy Committee , X if eng, Gansu 745000, China Abstract: Slo ping f ields ar e the base fo r studying a whole drainag e basin. T her e are many facto rs t hat influence the slo pe soil er o- sio n, but the most impo rtant is ter rain. Cesium- 137 and G S( G eog raphical nfor mation System) technolog y w as used as main met ho ds and sever al natural co nflux slopes in g ullied ar ea of L oess Plat eau w ere taken as study ing o bj ects, a preliminar y study from a micr ocosmic po int of v iew on the influences of differ ent terr ain facto rs w as made. A cco rding to the v ertical v ariat ion r ules of slope er osio n, the differences of soil er osion amount bet ween different slope posit ions w as studied and the co ntr ibutions of dif- fer ent ter rain facto rs was analy zed. T he r esult show s: in micro scale, the inf luence of g ener al facto rs such as g radient and slope length is no t as distinctiv e as in pro ving g ro und; it seems that the ro le of these factor s mov e to a backseat . By means of G S, w e can find so me rules that are har d to be fo und by ro ut ine meth


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