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2008 2 Feb. 2008 29 1 Journal ofCapitalM edicalUniversity Vol. 29 No. 1 # # 肺灌注断层显像与平面显像在肺栓塞诊断中的比较 1 2 3 2 王 铁 杨媛华 张 镭 王 辰 ( 1. ; 2. ; 3. ) = ( SPECT)( PE) 227 PE , SPECT , CT (CTPA) 227 PE , 203, 89. 4% SPECT 223 , 98. 2% SPECT PE (P 0. 01) 221 CTPA , CTPA 976, 796, 81. 6% ; SPECT 937 , SPECT CTPA 96% ; (P 0. 01) SPECT PE, , PE = ; ; ; CT; SPECT = R 817. 4 Compar ison betw een SPECT and P lanar Pu lm onary P erfusion Im aging in the D iagnosis of Pu ml onary Embolism 1 2 3 2 W ang Tie, YangYuanhua, ZhangLei, Wang Chen ( 1. D ep ar mt ent ofN u clea r M ed icin e, B eij ing Ch aoyang H o sp ita l, Cap ita lM ed ica l Un iversity; 2. D ep ar mt ent of Resp ira tory M ed icin e, Beijing Ch aoyang H osp ita l, Cap ita lM ed ica l Un iver sity; 3. D ep ar mt ent of Radiology, B eijing Cha oya ng H osp ita l, Cap ita lM edica l Un iversity ) = AB STRACT O bj e tive To evaluate the value of SPECT mi aging in the diagnosis of puml onary embolism ( PE ). M ethod s SPECT and p lanar pu ml onary perfusion mi ag ingswere done in 519 patientsw ith first episode ofPE. The resultswere comparedw ith those of spiral CT pulmonary arteriography( CTPA ). R esu lts Among the total 227 patientsw ith p lanar puml onary and SPECT mi agings, the detection rates ofPE was 89. 4% ( 203) and 98. 2% ( 223 ) respectively. There was sign ificant difference bewt een planar puml onary and SPECT mi aging in detection rate(P 0. 01). Among the 22 1 patientsw ith CTPA results, the abnorm al segm ents detected by CPTA were 976, and by


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