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31 4 Vo.l 31No. 4 2011 8 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEER ING AND ENG INEERING V IBRATION Aug. 2011 : 1000- 1301( 2011) 04- 0009- 09 - 1 1 2 杨笑梅 , 郭达文 , 杨柏坡 ( 1. , 10006; 2. , 1 0080) : -, , , , , , , - 3DSS I, : , ; , ; , - ; - , , , - : - ; ; ; ; ; : P31 191 : A A two-step explicit finite elementmethod in time domain for 3D dynam ic SSI analysis 1 1 2 YANG X iaomei, GUO Daw en , YANG Baipo ( 1. Faculty ofC ivil and Transportation Engineering, Guangdong U niversity ofTechnology, Guangzhou 10006, China; 2. Institute of EngineeringM echanics, China E arthquake Adm inistration, H arbin 1 0080, China) Abstract: To save computational efforts, a tw o-step smi plified computational procedure is proposed for three d-i mensional ( 3D) dynam ic soil-structure interaction ( SSI) analysis. In the first step, thewhole structure-foundation- soil system under given excitation is analyzed, in wh ich the upper structure is modeled as, for example, lumped- mass beams. In the second step, the response at the structure base obtained from the first step, i. e. the equivalent input, is applied to the base of the upper structure smi ulated by a sophisticatedmode,l and the requ ired structure responses can be determ ined. In this paper, an explicitmethod in the tmi e dom ain is proposed to smi plify the 3D SSI analysis, in wh ich the equ ivalent input is computed via the lumped-mass exp licit fin ite elem entmethod ( FEM ) w ith a local transm itting boundary con


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