Financial services regulatory framework03版.ppt

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Financial services regulatory framework Section 2 * 本节学习目标 1 General duties of the FSA 2 Role of the FSA in supervising 3 Impact of the regulatory objectives * General duties of the authority Acting in a way that is compatible with the regulatory objectives and using appropriate means to meet them 采取符合监管目标的方式,并且利用恰当手段达到监管目的 Discharging function: 1)consider the responsibilities of those who manage the affairs of authorized persons 要考虑事务授权人的职责 2)set appropriate rules 制定合理规则 3)the need for innovation in regulated activities 创新 4)maintain the UK‘s competitiveness by ensuring that it does not overuse control measures 不滥用调控措施来维持英国竞争力 General duties of the authority Discharging function: 5)minimize adverse effects on competition 6)facilitate competition Preparing and issuing codes of practice 填发业务法规 Determining general policies and principles 确定基本政策 * * FSA 实现目标的基本原则 重视成本与效 益的经营观念 重视金融管理及金融服务业国际化的本质,维护英国的竞争地位 加速金融服务业改革 在加之于公司的负担和限制以及对消费者和行业监管利益之间取得平衡。维持公司竞争价值 * FSA supervision Conclusion 1 Based on a statutory requirement 法定要求 Maintain arrangement designed 维护所制定的要求 Under or imposed by the FSMA 在金融服务市场 法的制度安排下 * Reason for having supervision Protect consumers 保护消费者 Risk management 风险管理 Compensation Redress 提供补偿救济 Target Reinforce the responsibilities强化责任 Enforce corrective measure执行纠错 Persuasion through dialogue对话约谈 Statutory powers法定效力 * Reason for having supervision Enforcement power 执法权 Head office situated outside the UK Target Includes nature and scope性质和范围 公司总部设在英国境外 Cooperate with overseas regulators * *Regulatory objective of FSA Market confidence 维护对金融市场的 信心 Public confidence 普及公众的金融风险 认知 Protection of consumers 保护金融消费 者的权益 Reduction of financial crime 减少金融犯罪 监管目标


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