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智能化小区车辆出入管理系统设计The Design of Intelligent Parking lot Management system Abstract Along with social progress and development,the lifestyle of the people is changing tremendously, The citys traffic congestion is one of the phenomena. City due to the increase of transport, resulting in traffic congestion or confusion, and difficult to travel in the people, which people are looking for high-tech and effective way to solve this problem. Intelligent parking lot to be shipped produce, which can not only effectively solve Luantingluanfang caused traffic chaos, but also promote the standardization construction of transport facilities, but also to minimize the worries of owners of the car is stolen. For these conditions, the design of the Intelligent Community Vehicle Management System is based on RFID. Multimedia integrated parking management system is a non-contact IC card, vehicle access parking credentials, vehicle image contrast management as the core vehicle charging management system. The system will be advanced IC card recognition technology and high-speed video images are stored the combination, by computer image processing, all-round management of vehicles entering and leaving the car park security and management. This paper describes the system architecture, workflow, and design ideas. Keyword: RFID,non-contact,intelligent,the management of vehicle 第一章 序言 4 1.1 选题背景及意义 4 1.2 射频识别简介 5 1.2.1 RFID的发展历史 5 1.2.2 电子标签RFID七大特点 5 1.3 RFID发展现状及存在的问题 6 1.3.1 国内外发展现状 6 1.3.2 RFID发展存在的问题 7 第二章 RFID技术阐述及工作流程 7 2.1 RFID系统的组成部分及工作原理 8 2.1.1RFID的基本组成部分 8 2.1.2 RFID工作原理 8 2.2 RFID系统基本工作流程 9 第三章 系统工作流程分析 9 3.1 智能停车场系统工作流程 9 3.2 车辆入场分析 10 3.2.1、 月租卡车辆入场工作流程 10 3.2.2、普通卡车辆入场工作流程 11 3.3 车辆出场分析 11 3.3.1 长期卡车辆出场工作流程 11 3.3.2普通卡车辆出场工作流程 12 第四章 系统设计 14 系统构架设计 14 4.2 系统硬件设计 16 4.2.1主控机(PC机) 16 4.2.2抓拍设备 16 4.2.3感应设备 17 4.2.4辅助灯光 17 4.3 系统软件模块设计 17 总结 19 参考文献 19 谢辞 20 第一章 序言 1.1 选题背景及意义 随着社会的进步和发展,人们的生活方式发生着深刻的变化,城市的交通拥挤便是现象之一。城市由于运输工具的增加,造成交通挤塞或混乱,不易于人们的出行,由此人们开始去寻找高技术并且有效的方法去解


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