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The?FLUENT?Users Guide tells you what you need to know to use?FLUENT. At the end of the Users Guide, you will find a Reference Guide, a nomenclature list, a bibliography, and an index. !!?Under U.S. and international copyright law, Fluent is unable to distribute copies of the papers listed in the bibliography, other than those published internally by Fluent. Please use your library or a document delivery service to obtain copies of copyrighted papers. A brief description of whats in each chapter follows: Chapter??1, Getting Started, describes the capabilities of?FLUENT?and the way in which it interacts with other Fluent Inc. and third-party programs. It also advises you on how to choose the appropriate solver formulation for your application, gives an overview of the problem setup steps, and presents a sample session that you can work through at your own pace. Finally, this chapter provides information about accessing the?FLUENT?manuals on CD-ROM or in the installation area. Chapter??2, User Interface, describes the mechanics of using the graphical user interface, the text interface, and the on-line help. It also provides instructions for remote and batch execution. (See the separate?Text Command List?for information about specific text interface commands.) Chapter??3, Reading and Writing Files, contains information about the files that?FLUENT?can read and write, including hardcopy files. Chapter??4, Unit Systems, describes how to use the standard and custom unit systems available in?FLUENT. Chapter??5, Reading and Manipulating Grids, describes the various sources of computational grids and explains how to obtain diagnostic information about the grid and how to modify it by scaling, translating, and other methods. This chapter also contains information about the use of non-conformal grids. Chapter??6, Boundary Conditions, explains the different types of boundary conditions available in?FLUENT, when to use them, how to define them, and how to define boundary profiles


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