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Learning goals: 1. Through doing kinds of exercises, find out the rules of the Subjunctive Mood 2. Through learning, grasp the usage of the Subjunctive Mood, use the rules of it to do multiple choices correctly 1.If Tom had less homework to do, he would/could /should/might be very happy. 2.If I won the lottery(彩票), I would buy an expensive car. 3.If I had a lot of money ,I would buy a villa. 以上三个句子有什么共同点? 在这样的句子中动词有什么使用规律? 1.If he had driven more carefully, he would not have had the car accident yesterday. 2.If I had learned how to swim, I would not have been trapped in this island. 以上两个句子有什么共同点? 在这样的句子中动词有什么使用规律? 1.If he got up early tomorrow, he would be on time。 2.If I grew up, I would be a hostess just like LuYu. 3.If the God should give/ were to give/gave me another chance,I would tell the girl three words: I love her! If our love had to be set a time limit, it would be 10,000 years! 以上两个句子有什么共同点? 在这样的句子中动词有什么使用规律? 教师点拨,总结做题方法 一 判断时间 二 根据时间,套用规则 三 选出正确答案 9.You didn’t let me drive. If we ____ in turn, you ____ so tired. A. drove…didn’t get B. had driven…wouldn’t have got C. drove…wouldn’t get D. were driving…wouldn’t get 10._____ to do the work, I should do it some other day. A. If were I   B. I were  C. if I were D. Was I 课堂小结 What did you learn this class? Homework 1.把本节课学案中出错的句子写到纠错本上 2. 预习下一张学案 * * * * Grammar: The Subjunctive Mood 情景导入 If I were a bird, I would have wings. If I had wings, I could fly high in the sky. If I flew in the sky, I would meet other birds. If I met other birds, I would have more friends. If I had more friends, I would not feel lonely. If I didn’t feel lonely, I would sing out loud happily 通过做题,找出方法 运用方法,提升能力 When we talk about events that are impossible, yet we hope they will happen, or imagine they might happen, we should use the Subjunctive Mood (虚拟语气) or Unreal Conditional Sentences (非真实条件句). ①If I were a bird, I could fly to the south


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