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虚拟语气;Contents;if虚拟条件句;;If the whole operation had not been planned beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost. If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you couldn’t be smiling like this now.; exercises;;;;More Exercises;表示建议、主张、命令等概念的词语后的虚拟语气;表示这种概念的词语;动词:decide, demand, insist, move(提议), order, propose, recommend, request, require, suggest, vote等。 He ordered that all the books be sent at once. We propose that somebody neutral take the chair(担任主席).;;形容词:advisable, appropriate, desirable, essential, fitting, imperative, important, impossible, necessary, obligatory, proper等 It is essential that all the facts be examined first. It is necessary that he come back without delay.; It is highly desirable that a new president _____(被任命) for this college. 答案:be appointed 译文: 大家非常希望任命一位新校长来管理这所大学。 It is essential that these application forms _________(尽早寄出去). (2000.1) 答案:be sent as early as possible 译文: 重要的是把这些申请表尽早寄出去。;名词:decision, decree, demand, instruction, order, requirement, resolution等。 We were faced with the demand that this tax be abolished. Your advice that she wait till next week is reasonable.;;;More exercises ; 能引出虚拟语气的词语;; 一些特殊的虚拟语气句型 特殊的虚拟句式,常见的包括:if only(要是…就好了), would rather that(宁愿), it is high time that(该是…的时候了)。 I would rather that you hadn’t told him that news.;;;专项练习 1. I wish__________________(我的家乡四季如春) 2. If you had not run the red light, ______________________________(事故就不会发生了) 3. but for his help, ____________________ (我们就不会以这么低的价格租到房子了) 4. It was necessary that ________________________________(在居民区设立更多的流动商店) 5.They requested that ___________(我借的书还回图书馆)by next Friday.;keys;(二)倒装结构 倒装结构分为部分倒装和全部倒装。 部分倒装指谓语中的一部分,如 助动词do, does, did, have, has, had 情态动词 can, could, may, might, should would, ought to, must, need 等, 系动词be(am, is, are, was, were)等放在主语前面, 其余部分包括谓语动词仍在主语后面。 ;;例1 The organization had broken no rules, but neither (它也没有负责任地行动) .;;; (20


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