新托福阅读训练:A beauty that cannot be weighed.pdf

新托福阅读训练:A beauty that cannot be weighed.pdf

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新托福阅读训练:A beauty that cannot be weighed

智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 新托福阅读训练:A beauty that cannot be weighed   在这个以瘦为美的现代社会,胖女孩似乎没有任何优势可言。但是 胖女孩并非与美无缘,如今已经有越来越多自信的胖女孩敢于走出来秀 自己,让整个世界看到她们独特的光芒。   In the award-winning American film Precious, the title character dreams of receiving the red-carpet treatment.Yet her excessive weight effectively rules it out. 在备受赞誉的美国影片《珍爱》中,主人公梦想能够接受红地毯般 的礼遇。但是由于她严重超标的体重,这个梦想几乎不可能实现。   Thousands of miles from Hollywood, a young Chinese woman named Zeng Jing is realizing Precious' dream by posing in front of the camera - and pictures of the overweight girl modeling large-size garments for her clothing store have brought her rave reviews. 在距好莱坞千里之外的地方,一位名叫曾晶的中国女孩在镜头面前 展示着自己,《珍爱》中主角的梦想正在慢慢实现。与此同时 ,胖女孩 曾晶为自己服装店拍摄了大码服装展示照片,网友们对这组照片好评如 潮。   "I think someone needs to stand out and demonstrate our beauty because it's not easy to be appreciated by society," said Zeng, "And I think I can be the one." In 2008, a story about Zeng vying to become a model, together with a series of offbeat photos of her, including one half naked, were published in a Nanjing newspaper and its affiliated website. The photos received tens of thousands of hits and comments that day and were linked by numerous portals. “我觉得总得有人站出来展示我们胖人的美,因为我们这种美是很 难被社会欣赏认可的,”曾晶说 , “而我就是这个人。”2008年 ,一家 南京媒体在其报纸及网站上发表了曾晶立志成为模特的故事 ,同时刊登 了她的一组个性写真照 ,包括一张半裸照。这组照片吸引了成千上万人 的跟帖评论。许多门户网站也将其转载发布。   "I think she is amazingly beautiful," commented one of the netizens, "It seems a bit unfair that overweight girls have long been excluded from the notion of beauty." “我觉得她真的很漂亮 ,”一位网友评论道 , “胖女孩与美无缘, 似乎有点不公平。”   In a country where the average weight for a girl is 60 kg, Zeng Jing weighs 110 kg, subverting the stereotypical view about models being tall and slim. Zeng's blog is admired by many women who are also overweight. They praise her courage for being a model, because they usually consider themselves "too weird to be expo



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