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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 2014年12月13-14日托福写作预测 2014年12月13/14日托福写作预测,包括综合写作和独立写作两部 分的考题,供各位考生复习参考使用。更多托福要点、资讯敬请关注智 课外语培训网( 综合写作 Integrated Writing 121208 CN Reading: 3 ways to make coal burning more environmentally friendly. 1. Coal burning can be more efficient by using new technology such as high pressure. 2. Coal washing can remove sulfide and other chemicals. 3. Carbon recapture and storage. Recycle CO2 and deposit them in the sea. Listening: 反对: 1. Population will increase by 13% in next full years but the efficiency can only increase by 10% with the new technology. Demand of energy increase will compensate the saved amount of the increasing efficiency. 2. Coal washing transfer the pollution from the air to the ocean. 3. Carbon recapture will be very expense and risky. If the carbon leaks out, it will be very dangerous both for the environment and human being. 131011 NA Reading: anting behaviour of birds .文中给了三个原因: 1. ant释放的forge acrid可以像lotion一样保护在夏天刚刚换新皮毛的小鸟, 2. ant释放的forge acrid可以作为chemical防止mites等害虫的攻击, 3. ant可以作为鸟类的食物。 Listening: 全否认了观点。 1. 夏天的蚂蚁很活跃,所以很容易被找到,在鸟身上的蚂蚁可能纯 属偶然。 2. 不能证明mites的多少与acrid有关,有acrid的mites多或者少不 确定。 3. 很多鸟并不吃ant,也许仅仅是为了收集。 更多托福考试智课内部机经 免费索取 110709 CN Reading:The article introduced a kind of plant which called GM (Gene Modification) crop. It has three major benefits: 1. It is good for the environment because it has the resist-gene. Using GM crop can reduce the use of pesticide. 2. It can help poor farmers around the world. GM crop can also have good yield in dry season which will profit the farmer. 3. GM plant can add missing nutrients for people in specific area. For example people eating a lot rice lack of Vitamin A, so GM rice which had added Vitamin A in it can help people gain what they missed. Listening:The lecture totally disagreed in those th



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