[名校联盟]江苏省丹阳市云阳学校七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing Things Comic strip Welcome 课件概要1.ppt

[名校联盟]江苏省丹阳市云阳学校七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing Things Comic strip Welcome 课件概要1.ppt

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Kitty: Do you know any fun facts about the world, Amy? Amy : Yes. The Sun is about 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth. Kitty: That’s interesting! What about fish, Amy? Amy: Fish sleep with their eyes open. Kitty: Oh, really? Amy: Yes. Isn’t that amazing? Read the dialogue amazing funny great interesting cool wonderful A : Do you know any fun facts about the world? B : Yes, … . A : That’s … ! Anything else? B : … . A : Oh, really? B : Yes. Isn’t that … ? amazing funny great interesting cool wonderful There are only 7 bones in a giraffe’s long neck. Snakes eat nothing in cold winter. Ants can smell things well. (1)自学内容: Page56对话 (2)自学方法: a.Watch the video and answer the questions. 1. What did Eddie see? 2. What did Hobo see? ?b.Read after the tape. c.Read in roles. d.Practise in pairs and act out the dialogue. e.释疑:a UFO , I saw one yesterday. Eddie and Hobo also saw something amazing. ? 1. What did Eddie see? 2. What did Hobo see? A UFO A plane Hey, Hobo. Look at that. What is it? It’s a UFO, Hobo. Come on, Eddie. It’s just a plane. I saw one yesterday. No. It’s a UFO. Look at its bright lights. Theyre only the lights on the plane. Its not a plane. Look, it’s too small. Why doesn’t Eddie think it is a plane? Because he thinks it is too small. Work in pairs: Practice the dialogue. I’d like you to act out the dialogue. Make sure you can read very fluently(流利). Let’s play a game! 2 1 3 4 How can we find amazing things? Discussion (讨论) Work in groups of 4. Talk about the ways(方法) to find more amazing things. Watch carefully! Read more books. Learn knowledge(知识) from TV, radio and the Internet. Reading is beneficial to widen your horizon. 读书有益于开阔视野。 A good book is your best friend. 好书如挚友。 Only thinking can make what we read into our own. 只有思考才使我们阅读的东西成为我们自己的。 Look for more amazing thing


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