2016九年级Unit-6 when was it invented课件Section A 2a-2c.ppt

2016九年级Unit-6 when was it invented课件Section A 2a-2c.ppt

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2016九年级Unit-6 when was it invented课件Section A 2a-2c

Unit 9 When was it invented? Period 2 Section A 2a-----2c electricity /ilektris?ti/ n. 电;电能 In modern cities we can’t live happily without electricity. 知识拓展 electricity 电,名词; 如No electricity ,no modern life. 没有电就没有现代生活。 electric,形容词,电的, 如electric light;电灯; electrical, adj, 电的,与电有关的, 如electrical appliance(家用电器); electronic, adj,电子的 Electronic book 电子书 1. electric为“用电的,带电的”,指任何电动的或发电的装置,被修饰的物体本身可带电。如: ???? electric light, electric stove, electric piano, electric motor, electric bell。 又如: ???? Please connect the two electric wires.??? 请将这两根电线接起来。 ???? With this electric blanket, the grandpa wont feel cold in winter.??? 有了电热毯,到了冬天爷爷就不觉得冷了。 2. electrical为“电的,与电有关的,电气科学的”,指与电有关的事物,被修饰的词本身并不能带电。 ???? 如:electrical engineer, electrical energy, electrical engineering。又如:?? All the electrical work was done by my younger brother.??? 所有的电工活都由弟弟来干。 He buried himself in an electrical book.??? 他埋头读一本电学方面的书。 heel /hi:l/ n. 鞋跟;足跟 Nowadays the heels of women’s shoes are higher and higher, more and more beautiful. scoop /sku:p/ n.勺; 铲子 I haven’t seen so many kinds of scoops when I was a kid, especially scoops with light. style/stail/ n. 样式; 款式 Everyone should have his or her own lifestyle in the modern world. New words heel /hi:l/ n. 鞋跟;足跟 electricity /ilektris?ti/ n. 电;电能 scoop /sku:p/ n. 勺; 铲子 style/stail/ n. 样式; 款式 A: When was the _______ invented? B: I think it was invented in ______. A: When was it invented ? B: It was invented in… A: Who was it invented by? B: It was invented by… 2b listen match the inventions with the people. 2b listen match the inventions with their uses. 2b listen and check your answers. Listen again and match the items with their inventors and uses. Summaries 1. shoes with special heels 特殊后跟的鞋子 2. hot ice cream scoop 热的冰其淋勺子 3. run on electricity 电动的 4. be used for被用作 5. the subject for my school project 学校项目的课题 6. our daily lives我们的日常生活 7. have a point有点道理 lollipop S1: What are these? S2: They ar


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