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Once upon a time on Earth; Would you contact aliens if they exist? Would you allow others to escape when you can’t if the earth will be destroyed? In the face of the enemy, you live like a worm or die with the enemy?;The history of the cultural revolution Life and death Loyalty and betrayal Crazy and paranoid , then, What power will appear in the interior of the human civilization in the end;Dark forest law Suspicion chain; The universe is like a dark forest where every civilization is a hiding hunter, anyone exposed will be attacked and destroyed.;Suspicion chain;Will they destroy our civilization because of resources? ;Dead End;In China, any thoughts detachment float in the sky will slam fell to the ground - -realitys gravity is too heavy. 在中国,任何超脱飞扬的思想都会砰然坠地——现实的引力实在是太沉重了. Death is the only a lit a beacon, forever no matter where you to sail, eventually have to turn it to guide the direction. Everything will pass, only death forever. 死亡是唯一一座永远亮着的灯塔,不管你向哪里航行,最终都得转向它指引的方向。一切都会逝去,只有死神永生。;Destroy you, has nothing to do with you. 毁灭你,与你无关。 Give civilization to the time ,rather than give the time to civilization. 给岁月以文明而不是给文明以岁月。 ;Thank you


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