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* design Study On Dynamic Advertising Design 动态广告设计研究 姓名:刘威君 学号:1907120104 班级:视觉传达1201 COUTENTS Concept Interpretation Situation Evaluation Master Concept Detail Design Plant Design 2014.9 一:背景、目的及意义 The background, purpose and significance 二:概念、形式及特征 The concept, form and characteristic 三:设计中的时间性与媒介 Time and media in design 四:设计理念与媒介展示 Design and media display 五: 未来发展的前景 The future development prospect 六:结论 Conclusion design 背景 Background ? 如今的社会,科技飞速发展,设计界是信息与媒体的多领域综合设计。现如今,传统的广告设计正在逐渐被多样化的综合材料综合技术的新广告所代替,进入群众视线是融合了图、文、声、像的动态广告,更贴近时代。 ? Todays society, the rapid development of science and technology, the design community is a comprehensive design of multi field information and the media. Now, instead of new advertising integrated technologies of integrated material traditional advertising design is gradually diversified, enter the mass line of sight is the combination of dynamic advertising, text, sound, graph image, closer to the times. 目的 purpose ? 通过对动态广告及其媒介的研究,探索了新媒体技术的发展对广告设计的影响,分析了动态广告与平面广告的关系,研究了动态广告的时间性和视觉流程,得出创意是动态广告设计的核心,强调广告与人的互动性。 ? Through the research on the dynamic advertising and media, influence on the development of the new media technology on the advertisement design, analyzes the relationship between the dynamic advertising and the plane advertisement, studies the dynamic advertising time and visual process, that creativity is the dynamic core advertising design, emphasizing the interactive advertising and people. 意义 significance ? 认识到新媒体应该朝更加多元化、综合化的道路发展,顺应历史发展和人类生活的需求。同时,寻求新方向新思路。 ? To recognize the new media should be towards a more pluralistic, integrated road development, conform to the historical development and the needs of human life. At the same time, to seek a new approach to the new direction. 一:背景、目的及意义 The background, purpose and significance 二:概念、形式及特征 esign D Detail Design 概念: 最早的动态广告,始于电影动态广告,2009年电影《终结者2018》的动态广告,可以说是在主流层而上被认同的第一个动态广


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