成层地基自由场地面运动的随机模型 - 世界地震工程.pdf

成层地基自由场地面运动的随机模型 - 世界地震工程.pdf

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成层地基自由场地面运动的随机模型 - 世界地震工程

26, 2 Vol. 26 No. 2 2010 6 WORLD EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING Jun. 2010 : 1007- 6069( 2010) 02- 0160- 05 1 1 2 4 1 王赞芝 , 江林雁 , 莫昭夏, 唐 辉, 龚应雁 , 赵雅欣 ( 1. , 545006; 2. , 5 8001; . , 5 8001; 4. , 545006) : , , , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; : TU4 5; P 1595 : A Stochastic m od el of free-f ield g round m otions fo r a layered foundation 1 1 2 4 1 WANG Zanzhi, JIANG Linyan , MO Zhaoxia, TANG Hu i, GONG Y ingyan , ZHAO Y axin ( 1. D epartm ent of Civil Engineering and Architecture, GuangxiU niversity of Technology, L iuzhou 545006, China; 2. Fangchenggang Supervisory Station on Constructive Eng ineering Quality and Safety, Fangchenggang 5 8001, China; . Guangx iX inchengH ighw ay Construction Engineering L mi ited, Co. Fangchenggang 5 8001, China; 4. Guangxi Investigation Institute ofHydrogeology and Engineering Geology, L iuzhou 545006, China) A bstract: The ground soils are usually layered, and in earthquake engineering, it is reasonable to assum e that the mechan ical properties of the ground soils vary w ith the depth of soi,l and are homogeneous in all horizontal layers. The analysis method in frequency domain is adopted to treat the transversely isotrop icmu lti-layered soils, and re- sponse of soil layers under the upw ard shear w aves is obtained. Based on the above analysis, the frequency re- sponse function of free-field groundmotion is established. The pow er spectrum density function of disp lacement is calculated. An example is also given to illustrate t


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