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Instructional Design 教学设计 首都师范大学 诸凌虹 The teaching and learning process Willingness Understanding Application Tell me, I just forget. Show me, I only remember. Involve me, I will learn. Objectives Definition Stages Practice What is Instructional Design? Instructional Design is the systematic process of translating general principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and learning activities. 教学设计 教学设计是教师依据教育教学理论,为了达到某阶段教学目标,根据受教育者认知结构,对教学课程、教学内容、教学组织形式、教学方法和需要使用的教学手段进行的策划。 教学设计与传统教案 传统教学中的备课,教师更关注的是如何将教材规定的知识“教”给学生,因此教案中所谓的教学方法更多的是教师单方面构思出的“教”的方法,而忽略学生“学”的方法,它体现了以教师为中心的教学理念。 教学设计与传统教案 教学设计旨在为学生创设丰富的教学情境,以培养学生的学习兴趣,激发学生的学习动机,同时要设计出学生易于理解并能调动学生积极主动参与的教学方式,将学生的被动学习方式转变为主动学习方式。 教学设计与传统教案 教学理念:教师中心----学生中心 课堂焦点:教师教学----学生学习 教学成果:被动学习者----主动学习者 Stages of instructional design Analyzing course content (教学内容分析) Analyzing learner factors (学生情况分析) Setting the objectives (设定目标) Designing activities (设计教学活动) Using teaching aids (运用教学资源) Assessment (评价) Analyzing course content What is it that students should know by the end of the course? What exams are students required to take after completing the course? What professional requirements does this course satisfy? Analyzing course content Task 1: Study Unit 6 and think about the content of the unit.(5mins) Task 2: Work in group and try to answer the following questions: What content is covered here? Do you think our students can use this to do things in English now? How well can they do? Do you think our students can learn to do these things in English? How is the material presented? Example from the coursebook Tick (√) the restaurant lexis to see what you know about restaurants. ( ) food ( ) ball ( ) chicken ( ) waiter ( ) waitress ( ) menu ( ) teacher ( ) sunny ( ) delicious ( ) cloudy ( ) juice ( ) book ( ) tomato ( ) manager ( ) meat Example fr


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