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The Differences of consumption concept Between China and the West Here is a story, in the heaven, the Chinese old lady says, I saved enough money to buy a house for 30 years. The western old lady says, I used thirty years to repay the loan. The story shows the Chinese is usually conservative consumption. Chinese like save money. But the western always enjoy pleasure in good time and life. From the movie, I can see when western visit friend’s house, he will bring a bottle of wine to friend’s house, or a bunch of flowers. But in our country, if we visit friend in their house, we will bring many things, such as milk, meat, tea, cigarette and so on. And the things will have a beautiful package. I think Chinese pay more attention to usefulness and external features. And in China, In our?grandparents and?parents?of this generation, they will put the money in the bank. In their middle age, they will save money for their elderly. In western country, people dare to spend money. Because they have sound social security system. In past years, China is not rich, so we are in the habit now, we save money, we don’t spend all the money on entertainment. Otherwise, as?chinese?get?wealthier than before, many people go abroad to buy luxury goods. In our generation, we can earn money to spend. We do some part-time job during undergraduate. Such as the waiter in KFC. Now most of us work as tutors during graduate. We spend more money than our parents. But in my opinion, frugality is a kind of good virtue. In a word, it is beneficial to carry rational consumption.


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