人教版八年级下Unit6An old man tried to move the_mountains概要1.ppt

人教版八年级下Unit6An old man tried to move the_mountains概要1.ppt

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人教版八年级下Unit6An old man tried to move the_mountains概要1

1. …turning himself into different animals and objects. turn…into… 变成 e.g. I have a dream that I’ve turned into an elephant.? 我梦见自己变成了大象。 2. But unless he can hide his tail, he cannot turn himself into a person. unless conj. 如果不;除非。引导条件 状语从句, 相当于if…not。 e.g. Unless I do, we’ll be lost. 如果我不这样做, 我们会迷路的。 hide v. 隐藏;隐蔽。(hide-hid-hidden) e.g. Where did you hide the money? 你把钱藏哪里了? I?hid?the broken plate behind the table. 我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。 3. …the Monkey King uses a magic stick. magic adj. 有魔力的;有神奇力量的 e.g. All the people heard of the magic carpet. [kɑ:p?t] 所有人听说过魔毯的故事。 3. England lies to the _______ part of Europe. 4. She broke her ______ mirror into pieces. 5. Dogs wag their ____ when they’re pleased. 6. Don’t ____ behind the door. It’s not safe. 3. so ... that表示“如此……以至于……”,常用于引导结果状语从句。常见结构为“so +形容词/副词+ that从句”或“so +形容词+ a / an +单数名词+ that从句”。如: He was so excited that he couldn’t say a word. It is so interesting a book that many people want to buy it. It is such an interesting book that many people want to buy it. Look at the picture. Do you know this story? What’s the name of this story? The Emperor’s New Clothes. Can you tell the story briefly? Once upon a time, an emperor loved new clothes very much. Two brothers came to the city and made a special clothes for the emperor. They asked for much gold and silk, but they kept them for themselves. They pretended to work for a long time every day. Then at last, the special clothes was OK. But nobody could see it. But no one said it until one young boy shouted that the emperor wore nothing. silk n. 丝绸 emperor n. 皇帝 underwear n. 内衣 e.g. He won two gold metals in the game. 他在比赛中获得两枚金牌。 e.g. They were stupid not to follow your advice. 他们不听从你的建议真是愚蠢。 stupid adj. 愚蠢的 gold n. 黄金;adj. 金色的 e.g. It’s wrong to cheat in examinations. 考试作弊是错误的。 cheat v. 欺骗;蒙骗 Match the words wit



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