人教版八年级英语下册unit8Section B概要1.ppt

人教版八年级英语下册unit8Section B概要1.ppt

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人教版八年级英语下册unit8Section B概要1

Unit 8;教学目标: 1. Knowledge Objects (1)Key vocabulary:turtle; mouse; mice; spider; snake; hamster; rabbit, pot-bellied pig, trendy, perfect, advantage, disadvantage. (2)Listening practice 2. Ability Objects To train listening, communication and writing skill. 3. Sensibility and Value To be able to love animals and speak in English in our daily life.;What’s the best gift you have ever received? ;;Have your ever received any pets as gifts?;some movies about animals;monkey;How much do you know about them? Guess what it is according to the description.;4. They like to live near the window. And they need sunshine and water. 5. They look cool. But they are expensive. They like eating some insects. 6. They like to communicate with people and they are a little naughty(调皮). 7. They are cool-blood. The best temperature(温度)for them is 20℃—35 ℃.;mouse;;;turtle;spider;Which of these animals would be good pets? Which would be bad pets?;Describe these animals!;Discuss: Suppose you are going to open a pet store. What’s its name? Where will you open it? What kind of pets will you choose to sell? Why?;1a Which of these animals would be good pets? Which would be bad pets? Write them in the diagram and compare your choices with your classmates.;1b GROUPWORK ; Everyone likes gifts. 每个人都喜欢礼物。 Some presents are never too small. 礼物只要有,就不算太小。 通常情况下gift和present可互换使用。gift 可指上级或同级所赠的礼物。如: The watch was a Christmas gift from his father. 这块手表是他父亲送给他的圣诞礼物。 present 可指同级或下级所赠的礼物,多用于口语中。; go to bed; fall asleep go to bed指就寝,只表示“上床去睡觉”这个动作,与get up相对应。如: We usually get up at six in the morning and go to bed at ten in the evening. 我们通常早晨六点起床,晚上十点睡觉。;fall asleep表示“入睡”,往往含有“不想睡而睡着了”或“不知不觉地睡着了”的意思。如: One after another, three of them fell asleep. 一个接一个,他们三人都相继睡着了。 The young man fell asleep as soon as he lay down. 那个年轻人一躺下就睡着了。;2a. Listen and number the pets in the order you hear them . Write the numbers on the lines in the chart.;Girl 1: So,



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