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2008 年 6 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.23 No. 6 第 23 卷第 6 期 TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Jun. 2008 变流器波形库控制基本理论 孙孝峰 孟令杰 (燕山大学电力电子节能与传动控制河北省重点实验室 秦皇岛 066004) 摘要 目前在电力电子领域里,数学模型是系统控制的基础,而系统建模过程中会有大量的 因素被忽略掉从而使系统建模分析与实际控制不一致。本文提出的波形库控制方法是利用实际控 制对象的典型响应曲线来完成系统建模,进而采用模型预测控制的思想对系统进行控制,解决了 数学模型精确度不高以及建模困难所带来的问题。介绍了该控制方法的基本原理,并以Buck 和 Boost 电路为控制对象,详细介绍了波形库控制器的基本设计方法。同时,本文针对非线性系统 提出了复合波形库的设计。给出了具体波形数据处理的方法及波形库构建的关键。仿真和实验结 果证明了波形库控制基本理论的正确性和可行性。 关键词:波形库 变流器 建模 控制 中图分类号:TM464 Waveform Library Control of Converter Sun Xiaofeng Meng Lingjie (Kay Lab of Power Electronics for Energy Conservation and Motor Drive of Hebei Province Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China ) Abstract In the field of power electronics, mathematical model is the foundation of the system design. But there are so much factors neglected during modeling that the mathematical model is commonly inconsistent with the actual controlled object. The waveform library control method proposed in this paper utilizes the typical response waveform of the controlled object to build the system model, and adopt the thought of model predictive control to control the system, so it can solve the problems caused by low model accuracy and difficulties in modeling. The principle of the waveform library control method is introduced in this paper. Meanwhile, take the Buck and Boost converters as the example to introduce the detailed design method of the waveform library controller. At the same time, compound waveform library is designed for the non-linear system. Simulation and experimenta


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