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《暮光之城》高频单词【双语释义】【暮光原版例句+翻译】 1 wry/wryly? (6次) 【双语释义】 If someone has a wry expression, it shows that they find a bad situation or a change in a situation slightly amusing. 情况很糟糕却觉得有一点好笑, 有些“啼笑皆非”“哭笑不得”的意味 【暮光例句】 I always say too much when Im talking to you — thats one of the problems. Dont worry — I dont understand any of it, I said wryly. “在你面前我总是口无遮拦,这也是个问题。” “放心吧,反正我也听不明白”我苦笑道。 2 grimace? (16次) 【双语释义】 To grimace is to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc. 做鬼脸或丑相(表达痛苦,不悦,反感,气愤等等) 【暮光例句】 Thats not it, he disagreed, but his eyes were too innocent. They dont understand why I cant leave you alone. I grimaced. Neither do I,for that matter. “那倒不是”他反对道,眼神极度无辜的样子。“他们只是不理解为什么对你我就是不能放任不顾。” 我做了鬼脸道:“说到这个,我又何尝不是呢。” 3 pout?? (5次) 【双语释义】 If someone pouts, they stick out their lips, usually in order to show that they are annoyed (or to make themselves sexually attractive.) 撅嘴(表示不满,或展现性感,暮光中只有前者) 【暮光例句】 I was glad to leave campus, so I would be free to pout and mope before I went out tonight with Jessica and company. 能避开校园我自然求之不得,在今晚和Jessica一行人出去玩之前,我就可以自由自在地先撅着嘴郁闷一阵子了(避免被Jessica发现Bella的异常)。 4 unreadable? (9次) 【双语释义】 If somebodys face or expression is unreadable, you cannot tell what they are thinking or feeling. 尤其常用于表情,表示无法解读的,看不出心思的 【暮光例句】 Honestly, Im not hungry, I insisted, looking up to scrutinize his face. His expression was unreadable. “说实话,我一点也不饿”我一边坚持道,一边抬头端详他的神色。他的表情却深不可读。 5 wistful? (7次) 【双语释义】 Someone who is wistful is rather sad because they want something and know that they cannot have it. 有点“徒然神往”之意味,有种欲求而求不得的哀怨,呵 【暮光例句】 He rolled his eyes. I could walk home faster than this truck moves. You dont have to leave, I said wistfully. 他眼一翻不屑道:“我步行回家都比你的车快。” “其实你也可以不走。”我幽幽道。 6 stagger? (12次) 【双语释义】 1. If you stagger, you walk very unsteadily, for example because you are ill or drunk. 摇摇晃晃 2. If something staggers you, it surprises you very much. 使受到很大的惊吓 【暮光例句】 1. I staggered along sideways across the wet sidewalk


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