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安徽大学 本科毕业设计 题  目:  一种SIP电话软件的设计与实现   学生姓名:   学号: 院(系): 计算机科学与技术学院 专业: 软件工程 入学时间:   2009    年    9    月 导师姓名:      职称/学位: 讲师 导师所在单位: 安徽大学计算机科学与技术学院   完成时间:    2013     年   5    月 一种SIP电话软件的设计与实现 摘 要 随着计算机技术、分组交换技术和语音压缩技术的发展,两大网络即语音网络和数据网络出现了融合的趋势,便产生了VolP(Voiceover IP)网络电话,来满足人们对于实时通信的需求。目前voIP有两大方向H.323协议和SIP协议。H.323比较成熟,但是相对复杂。SIP(Session Initiation Protocol,会话启动协议)是一个IP电话信令协议。它比较简单,但推出时间不长,协议并不是很成熟。正因为SIP是一个新兴的协议,大多数应用尚处于原型阶段,又因为SIP是一个应用层的协议,开发相对简单,因此,作者利用一个当前比较成熟的SIP协议栈eXoSIP,在Windows XP系统上设计实现了一款基于SIP的IP电话软件。本文的主要贡献是对开源SIP协议栈eXoSIP的应用分析和基于eXoSIP的SIP用户代理的设计与实现,另外本文的贡献还包括使用MFC对应用程序的用户界面的设计与实现,以及对开发中用到的关键开发技术的介绍。 关键词:会话启动协议(SIP); eXoSlP协议栈; lP电话; Windows XP Design and Implementation of A SIP Softphone Abstract With the progress of computer technology, packet switching technology and voice compressing technology, the two networks that are the voice network and the data network tend to become amalgamation, so there came into being VoIP (Voice over IP) network phone to satisfy people’s needs for real-time communication. Nowadays there are two directions for VoIP: H.323 and SIP. H323 is mature, but it is relatively too sophisticated, SIP(Session Initiation Protocol) is a IP phone signaling protocol. It is simple, but it is a rising protocol and is has come into being only for a short time, so it is immature. Since SIP is a rising protocol, most related applications are archetypal. In addition because SIP is on the application layer, its relatively easy to project based on it. So with the other members of the team the author designs and implements an IP phone software on Windows xp system making use of a relatively mature SIP protocol stack named eXoSIP. The main contributes of this thesis is the design and implementation of an eXoSIP based SIP user agent. In addition this thesis also introduces the design and implementation of the user interface of the project, using MFC, a high layer graphics storage. In the end this thesis summariz


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