一生要去的50个地方之Yosemite National Park.ppt

一生要去的50个地方之Yosemite National Park.ppt

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一生要去的50个地方之Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park 约塞美蒂国家公园 Questions 1.When was the Yosemite National Park designated a World Heritage Site? 2.In Yosemite Valley which is the highest fall? Introduction Yosemite National Park is a United States National Park spanning eastern portions of Tuolumne, Mariposa and Madera counties in the central eastern portion of the U.S. state of California. The park, which is managed by the National Park Service, covers an area of 747,956 acres and reaches across the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountain chain. 约塞美蒂国家公园是一座美国的国家公园,范围横跨加州中西部图奥勒米县、马里波萨县和马德拉县。公园面积为761,268英亩,公园由国家公园管理局管理,范围包括内华达山脉西侧山坡。 Over 3.7 million people visit Yosemite each year:most spend their time in the seven square miles of Yosemite Valley. Designated a World Heritage Site in 1984, Yosemite is internationally recognized for its spectacular granite cliffs, waterfalls, clear streams, groves, and biological diversity. Almost 95% of the park is designated wilderness. 每年有超过三百七十万名游客造访约塞美蒂国家公园,大多数是为了约塞米蒂山谷而来。在1984年被指定为世界遗产,约塞美蒂国家公园以其壮观的花岗岩悬崖、瀑布、清澈的溪流、巨杉和丰富的生物多样性闻名于世。公园内超过95%的土地被指定为原生地域 Yosemite is one of the largest and least fragmented habitat blocks in the Sierra Nevada, and the park supports a diversity of plants and animals. The park has an elevation range from 2,127 to 13,114 feet and contains five major vegetation zones: chaparral woodland, lower montane forest, upper montane forest, subalpine zone, and alpine. Of Californias 7,000 plant species, about 50% occur in the Sierra Nevada and more than 20% within Yosemite. 约塞美蒂是内华达山脉中范围最大、最完整的生物栖地,境内有着多样的植物和动物。公园区内的海拔范围从2,127至13,114英尺包含五种生态高度分区:分别是灌木森林、低山地、高山地、亚高山带针叶林、高地等。在加州的7000种植物里,其中50%分布在内华达山脉,而当中的20%生长在约塞美蒂。 Can you find the location of Yosemite National Park Rocks and erosion Almost all of the landforms in the Yosemite area are cut from the granitic rock of the Sierra Nevada Batholith . About 5% of the parks landforms (mostly in its eastern margin near Mount Dana) are metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks.These rocks a


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