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(四)津液- (four) - a practice fluid Wolf - Sina BLOG blog page I, my mother and my circle of beauties, help the search column Study on the fire of true Yang Http:///u/1262815620 copy collect this page My personal blog page home page blog, my article management, photo album, I my circle, my mother and my friends are my podcast to give me the message It is possible to publish login registration (four) fluid 2006-11-05 00:00:10 Small and medium-sized The concept of a body fluid The human body fluid is a general term for all normal liquid. The normal body fluids including organs and tissues and the normal secretion of gastric juice, intestinal fluid, saliva, synovial fluid etc.. Habits also include metabolism of urine, sweat, tears and so on. Gu Yue: sweat and urine, body fluid are called, is the water (read medical essays, Qi and spirit of). With water as the main body, contains a lot of nutrients, is the basic substance of the human body and maintain life activities. The innate Yin and Yang, two Qi to life, there are clear and muddy.. The sun is the essence of the mind. Yang muddy as clear as fire; Yin fluid, Yin is turbid phlegm ( Roche will about the medical mirror ). In vivo, in addition to blood, all other normal water belong to the category of body fluid. Body fluid exists widely in between organs, body and organs. Other organs and tissues, plays a role of nourishing nutrition. At the same time, Tianjin can carry the gas, gas of the whole body to body fluid as the carrier while running the body and play its physiological role. Body fluid is one of the material basis of the blood, and the blood generation and operation are also closely related to the. Therefore, the body fluid is not only a basic material of the human body, the basic material is the maintenance of human life activities. Although fluid and liquid belong to water, they are different in characters, functions and their distribution. Generally speaking, the nature of thin, high mobility, mainly scatter


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