VBA for Excel Range对象(国外英文资料).doc

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VBA for Excel Range对象(国外英文资料)

VBA for Excel Range对象 The Range object member represents a cell, a row, a column, a selected area (that area can contain one or several contiguous cell regions), or a three-dimensional region. Method Activateactivates a single cell that must be in the current selection. To select a cell area, use the Select method. AddCommentadds annotations to the area. AdvancedFilterfilters or copies data from a list based on the condition area. If the initial selection is a single cell, the current region of the cell is used. ApplyNamesapplies the name to the cell in the specified area. ApplyOutlineStylesapplies the hierarchical display style to the specified area. AutoCompletereturns a memory typed entry from the list. This method returns an empty string if there is no corresponding memory type entry, or if there is more than one item in the list that matches the string that has been typed. AutoFillperforms automatic padding of cells in the specified region. AutoFilteruses a filter to filter a list. AutoFitchange in the area of high line or column width to achieve the best matching. AutoOutlineautomatically creates a hierarchical display for the specified area. If the region is a single cell, Microsoft Excel creates a hierarchical display of the entire worksheet. The new grading display will replace all grading display. BorderAroundadds a border to the cell area and sets the Color, LineStyle, and Weight attributes of the new border. Variant type. Calculatecalculates all open workbooks, cells in a particular worksheet or worksheet in a workbook, and cells in the specified area, as shown in the following table. CheckSpellingcheck the spelling of the object. Clearclears the entire object. ClearCommentsclears all cell annotations in the specified area. ClearContentsclears the formula in the zone. ClearFormatsclears the formatting of objects. ClearNotesclears annotation and voice annotation for all cells in the specified area. ClearOutlineclears the hierarchical display of the specif


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