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基础综合(一)(共68分) 一、单项选择 (13) 1. — You went to see the movie last night, right? — That’s right. I went with ________ mother. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 2. We often come to school at 7:00 ________ the morning. A. at B. in C. on D. of 3. This kind of shampoo is much ________than that one. A. expensive B. more expensive C. a little expensive D. most expensive 4. ?Wheree’s the tin-opener? ?Oh, sI ________ it earlier…, here it is. A. see B. will see C. saw D. have seen 5. ?I phoned you an hour ago, ________ nobody answered. . 桽orry. I was cooking in the kitchen at that time.w A. but B. and C. so D. or 6. ? _______ you play the piano? ?aNo. But I can play the guitar. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should 7. 梍_______ do you get so much information for? ?Making a speech at the New Yearn’s party. A. Why B. Which C. What D. How 8. I’m going to play tennis if the weather ________ nice this weekend. A. be will B. be C. is D. was 9. 桰 didnl’t see you last week. ?I had a bad cold. The doctor asked me _______ at home for a week. A. stay D. staying C. stayed D. to stay 10. 桳ook, the bus is empty. There is ________ on it. 桮reat, we can have seats this time. A. nobody B. anybody C. somebody D. everybody 11. 桰 haven抰 seen Ann for days. 桽he is on holiday. She ________ France. A. has been to B. was going to C. has gone to D. goes to 12. ? Do you know _______ the MP3 player last week? ?oSorry, I have no idea. A. how much she paid for B. how much did she pay for C. how much she will pay for D. how much will she pay for 13. —What should we do first if we want to make our town more beautiful? —More trees ________, I think. A. plant B. are planting C. have planted D. must be planted 二、 阅读理解 (12) A Summer courses 2009 San Diego Seaside College is offering one and two-week


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