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江苏科技大学本 科 毕 业 设 计(论文)学院冶金与材料工程学院_________专业冶金工程_____________学生姓名 周嘉浩______________班级学号 0945562236____________指导教师 张荣良______________二零一三年六月江苏科技大学本科毕业论文180t顶吹氧气转炉炉型设计180t top-blown oxygen converter furnace design摘要钢铁是人类步入工业时代开始最主要使用的材料,而炼钢技术则是通过对铁水的各种工艺处理除去有害元素获得合适钢铁材料的技术。在炼钢技术中转炉炼钢是现如今全世界最主要的炼钢方法。本文作为设计型论文通过对转炉炉型的设计,一方面是对过去所学知识的温故,另一方面也通过这个机会拓宽了原先的知识面,受益匪浅。本文由对给定所炼钢种成分的物料平衡计算着手,先计算出单纯100kg钢水情况下的物料平衡计算,并根据热平衡计算确定出操作的可行性,然后再依次对加入废钢和脱氧剂的情况下的物料平衡计算,理论上确定了操作的可行性,并确定了之后炉型尺寸设计中所需的数据,例如:钢水收得率、废钢比、炉型等等。之后再利用已得数据进行尺寸计算,并根据经验公式对所得尺寸进行校核,校核结果肯定了本文炉型设计在利用这些数据时,也可以用于实践生产。通过CAD作图并根据数据获得所设计炉型的炉型图。关键字:180t转炉炉型;物料平衡;热平衡;尺寸设计AbstractThe steel and iron is the humanity marches into the industry time to start the most main use material, but makes steel the technology is through obtains the appropriate steel and iron material to molten iron each craft processing except the harmful element the technology.In the steel-making technology the converter steel-making is nowadays the world most main steel-smelting method.This article takes the design paper through to the converter stove design, therefore on the one hand was studies the knowledge warm to the past, on the other hand has also opened up the original aspect of knowledge through this opportunity, benefitted greatly. This article by to assigns builds up the aluminum ingredient the mass balance computation to begin, calculates in the pure 100kg molten steel situation first the mass balance computation, and determined according to the heat calculation the operation the feasibility, then in turn to joins the scrap steel and in the deoxidizer situation mass balance computation again, theoretically had determined the operation feasibility, after and had determined in the stove size design needs data, for example: The molten steels receive rate, the scrap steel ratio, the stove and so on. Afterwards carries on the size computation again using the findings, and carried on the examination according to the empirical formula to the obtained size,


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